When the difference in appearance causes fear, but everyone is moved by the explanation for it. 

Husband died as his wife tragically passed away. During the seventh month of pregnancy, children experience illness and misfortune, compounding his emotional burden. “As I Held My Child in My Arms, the Heartbreaking Sight Overwhelmed Me.”

Since then, they have had four children together. The couple’s primary source of income is agriculture, and in their spare time they perform menial tasks to support their young children.

The couple’s large family has made life difficult, but it is also accompanied by the joyous merriment of their children following each day of exhausting labor. However, this happiness was short-lived as Mr. Thang, a newly-forty-year-old spouse and father, endured a succession of trials.

His wife became expectant with their fourth child nearly two years ago. The ultrasound revealed that the fetus in her womb was a male. The entire family and extended family anxiously anticipated the newborn’s arrival. However, when they held their newborn son in their arms, both the husband and wife were shocked to discover that the umbilical chord was still attached to his frail body, which had anomalies….ny




Thang vividly recalls the day he picked up his only son from the hospital. “While my wife was in the delivery room, I anxiously waited at the door.” When the physician called my name, I was ecstatic. When I picked up my son’s epidermis from the doctor, I was shocked to see that it was completely black.

The doctor at the time reassured me, saying, “Parents, relax, the infant was delivered healthy and without any defects. Do your best.” Holding my infant in my arms, I weep, but it’s my son, such a cruel fate; I must accept it, but I’m at a loss for what to do. Thang and his wife named their infant Tran The Da at the last minute. Thang stated, “A specialist diagnosed Da with a giant pigment o, and he had to undergo a number of operations to cure it.


Despite having a “weird” shape compared to other children, Da grew typically and healthily due to her parents’ affection and care. Baby Da is currently 20 months old, has begun to take his first steps, and is learning to speak. When I learn how to call my father and mother, however, I am also forced to exist as an orphan.

The infant perished, much to the dismay of the man who abandoned his pregnant wife.ny

Grandson Nearly one year old, Da’s mother Thang was expectant with their fifth child. Even though they already had four children and were expectant with a fifth, the couple decided to retain the unborn child despite knowing they would face challenges. The malformation of Da, in particular, has not been treated.

Mr. Thang does not mind overcoming obstacles in order to provide for his expectant wife and four small children while working alone. He stated, “Children are the greatest asset.” As long as my wife and children remain healthy, I will be extremely content.



Such a modest desire, but cruel fate denied him the opportunity to realize it. When his wife was seven months expectant, she abruptly exhibited unuua symptoms; she was rushed to the emergency room, but it was too late. His wife passed away due to circulatory arrest, and the unborn infant could not be saved.

His wife died unexpectedly, and he had to repress his grief in order to care for himself and his four small children. When his wife passed away, the children wept every night because they missed her. “Baby Da is only 20 months old, and I recall the comfort of her mother’s constant sobbing. Staying up all night with the infant in my arms, I can only touch and declare, “Here I am! “Sleep well” and pray that my wife in paradise blesses my father and son with health and tranquility.

Thought that the events that transpired were the source of Mr. Thang’s extreme suffering, but cruel fate had not yet relented. Midway through September, his second daughter perished, but she was discovered and rushed to the hospital for treatment. Mr. Thang, while holding his 20-month-old son and gazing at his daughter yn in the recuperation room (Quang Ninh Obstetrics and Children’s opt), felt as if his intestines had been ruptured and asked, “Why is God so unfair to me?”


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