Venom combines spider man

Venom is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe who is often depicted as an adversary of Spider-Man. Venom is not a combination of Spider-Man and another character, but rather a symbiotic organism that first bonds with Spider-Man before going on to bond with other hosts.

In the comic book storyline, Spider-Man first encountered the symbiote on Battleworld during the Secret Wars event. After the symbiote bonded with Spider-Man, he eventually discovered that it was actually an alien organism that was attempting to permanently bond with him. Spider-Man rejected the symbiote, which then went on to bond with Eddie Brock, creating the villainous Venom.

So while Venom and Spider-Man are often associated with each other, Venom is not a combination of Spider-Man and another character, but rather a distinct entity in the Marvel Comics universe.

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