Top 7 Creepy Places Around The World That Only The Bravest Travel To
1- Veijo Rönkkönen Sculpture Park (Finland)
Famous Finnish artist Veijo Rönkkönen is a shy person who creates most of his works in solitude
in his backyard. He has “decorated” many of the characters in these odd sculptures with actual
human teeth, according to reports that they are self-portraits.
2- Doll Island (Mexico City, Mexico)
A young girl is said to have drowned on this island. Then, close to the scene of the tragedy, her
father discovered a doll. He put the doll on a nearby tree, assuming that the girl’s soul had entered it.
Later on, he removed the doll island and shipped them to. He even moved away from his family to
live in this eerie location.
“Father’s old cabin” is available for overnight stays. Your “daughter” will be lying on the bed next to
you (a life-size doll). You’ll need all of your courage, though, to face the vision of dolls with lifeless
eyes as the sun fighting sets.
3- Hanging Coffins (Sagada, Philippines)
The coffins are hung on the cliffs by the villagers instead of being placed on the ground. The
deceased must also fulfill a number of requirements, such as being married and having grandkids
, in order to be buried in this manner. According to popular belief, the deceased’s soul is closer to
heaven the higher the coffin hangs.
If you decide to come, be sure to pack your items because there is no lodging available at this location.
A two-star hotel is the best you can hope for, and it most likely won’t have hot water.
4- Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
Due to its long history as a royal house, military garrison, prison, and fortress, Edinburgh Castle
is practically brimming with horrific tales from the past. creepy. The majority of them feature ghosts,
terrible executions, a spooky underground city, and a haunted cemetery, but we won’t say much more.
5- “Lord of the Deep Sea” (San Fruttuoso, Italy)
In 1954, Italian diver Duilio Marcante had a sculpture placed on the spot where his friend and
colleague, Dario Gonzatti, died. The statue is about 2.5m high. Commemorating a deceased underwater
explorer, this work of art creates conflicting emotions in public opinion.
Whether you find this sculpture scary or wonderful (or both), one thing is for sure, a deep dive to see the
statue in person. This can be a memorable travel experience for you!
6- Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan
It makes perfect sense that Satan would be found in a crater located deep within a natural gas field.
In order to stop the emission of harmful gases, it was ignited in 1971. Although the crater is still
smoldering after 50 years, the gases are expected to burn away in a matter of weeks.
The city, which was founded on a coal mine, prospered until 1962, when a fire broke out. At first,
the villagers didn’t seem overly concerned. However, a couple of them perished in scorching fractures
in the pavement that erupted out of nowhere ten years later. People in the town were evacuated by
the authorities. There are “up to” seven people living in the city right now.
You will see many remarkable sights on this ride, like graffiti-covered runway for Route 61,
crumbling walkways, and demolished buildings.
7- Capuchin Catacombs (Palermo, Italy)
The remains of 8,000 persons from the 18th and 19th centuries are buried inside the catacombs.
Guy de Maupassant, a well-known French author, once penned the lines: “Their heads (the corpses)
looked dreadful, their mouths seemed to be about to come.” said, with deformed faces and an
unfathomable horror.
You are welcome to visit on any day besides Sunday. Avoid getting lost in the catacombs since a
drunken person has been known to wake up there in the middle of the night. The deplorable man
was sent to a mental hospital after being discovered in such bad shape.
As stated by Brightside
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