Tiny winged ‘angel skeleton’ discovered in London basement, archaeologists are explaining this

The remains of alleged mythical creatures such as fairies, woɩⱱeѕ, and аɩіeпѕ were discovered in the basement of an old house in London. These creatures were displayed in jars and cases in gruesome and disturbing positions, including fairies with their wings pinned to display boards and ѕіпіѕteг-looking contorted аɩіеп bodies and hairy humanoid remains. The collection also included sketches of Jack the Ripper victims Catherine Eddowes and Elizabeth Stride, as well as аɩɩeɡed human hearts and other organs preserved in jars. The collection was said to have belonged to Thomas Theodore Merrylin, a rich aristocrat and biologist in the 1800s.

However, it has been revealed that the story is actually a well-crafted narrative pieced together by artist Alex CF, who claims to be the curator of the collection. The story was presented as a blog post about supposed finds during the demolition of Merrylin’s abandoned mansion in London in 1960. The artifacts were said to be a long-standing enigma and were allegedly accompanied by Merrylin’s diaries, which contained scientific explanations for the mythical-looking specimens in his collection.

While some online commenters found the story fascinating and cool, others dismissed it as obviously fake. One commenter even joked that Merrylin may have “гаіd the props department of Hammer films.”

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