This is what the son of the woman who gave birth at age 66 looks like today

In 2005, Adriana Iliescu became very popular all over the world. Her story was discussed in the media, and the reason was that she showed us something that we hadn’t seen before. The woman gave birth to her first child at age 66, which automatically placed her in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest mother in the world. Unfortunately, that doesn’t do her any good when it comes to how people feel about her. During the last 16 years, she has been repeatedly condemned and rejected by society for her choices. But despite her attacks and reproaches, Adriana keeps going, driven by her love for her daughter.
This is how Adriana and the adult Eliza look today:

In the following lines, we will present you the story of a mother and a daughter and we will answer some questions that immediately arise in our minds.
Why didn’t she give birth earlier?
When Adriana was only 20 years old, she got married, but her husband did not want them to have any children. After much time and pain, the desire to be a mother prevailed and she decided to divorce. After the divorce, Adriana dedicated herself to working as her teacher at a university in Romania.
But the lack of desire on the part of her partner is not the only obstacle on the road to motherhood. For 9 years, Adriana tried to get pregnant and took medication. During this period, all her attempts were unsuccessful and she decided to undergo IVF.
At this point, she has already turned 66 before giving birth and fully understands that she is putting herself at great risk. However, this does not scare her, since her greatest desire is to understand what it means to be a mother. When she shares her decision with those around her, many of them turn their backs on her, thinking that what she is making of her is completely immoral.

After the baby is born
When her attempts to conceive finally succeed, she Adriana finds herself pregnant with triplets. Unfortunately, two of the babys died in utero before she gave birth, and her daughter Eliza was born prematurely and spent extensive time in the intensive care unit.
After the baby gets stronger, Adriana, being a very religious person, decides to bautize her. She then faced a new wave of discontent. Several religious organizations believe that her decision to have a child at that age is extremely selfish.
During the bautism itself, one of the nuns even called the child “a product of dark forces”. Adriana, however, believes that her daughter, Eliza, is a gift from God.

Eliza’s early years
Adriana immediately ensures the future of her son. She makes an agreement with the doctor performing the IVF procedure that if anything happens to Adriana, she will become the girl’s godmother and her official guardian until she comes of age.
Outside, people often think of Adriana as Eliza’s grandmother, but that doesn’t bother her at all. She proves time and time again that her decision to have a child is much more than a selfish whim. And since she is now retired, Adriana can dedicate all her time to her daughter.

What are Adriana and Eliza doing now?
Adriana is a teacher of Romanian language and literature and the author of more than 25 children’s books. Her daughter loves science and is a normal teenager who has already won many school competitions. In the future, Eliza hopes to go to college.
Adriana and Eliza have a very special bond. As a mother, Adriana invested all of her strength, experience and knowledge in her only daughter. She leads an active and greeting style of living and tries to participate in Eliza’s social life. Adriana is now 80 years old, feels very well and is in good health, and looks forward to seeing her daughter grow up to be a beautiful young woman.
What do you think of Adriana’s story? Do you think she did the right thing by deciding to pursue her dream no matter what?

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