These brothel candles were used as timers. When the candle melted, the session ended Popular in European brothels between 1880 and 1905.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a peculiar method was employed in European brothels to regulate the duration of sessions: brothel candles. These unique candles served as timers, signaling the end of a session once they melted completely. This practice, prevalent between 1880 and 1905, added a distinctive element to the world of clandestine pleasure.

In the discreet and secretive atmosphere of brothels, where time was a valuable commodity, the use of brothel candles allowed for a standardized and efficient way to manage the duration of each encounter. These candles were specially crafted with a predetermined melting time, ensuring that neither the clients nor the workers would lose track of time or exceed their allotted session length.

Brothel candles were meticulously designed to burn at a steady pace, taking into account factors such as the size of the candle, the quality of the wax, and the wick’s thickness. The duration of these candles varied, but they typically lasted anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the establishment’s preferences or specific arrangements made with clients.

As the candle burned, the wax would gradually melt away, marking the passage of time. Both clients and workers were aware that once the candle had completely melted, the session would come to an end, providing a clear signal for closure. This system ensured that the brothel could efficiently manage its clientele and maintain a structured schedule throughout the day or night.

The use of brothel candles not only benefited the establishment but also provided a level of transparency and fairness for the workers. It prevented any ambiguity or disputes regarding session durations, establishing a straightforward and universally understood method of timekeeping.

While brothel candles were primarily utilized in European brothels during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, they were not exclusive to the region. Similar practices may have been employed in other parts of the world, where brothels operated under similar circumstances.

Over time, as societal norms and regulations evolved, the use of brothel candles diminished, and the practice gradually faded away. Today, these unique artifacts serve as intriguing reminders of a bygone era, offering a glimpse into the clandestine world of European brothels and the ingenuity employed to manage time within those walls.

Although the use of brothel candles may seem unconventional by today’s standards, they represent a fascinating chapter in the history of human interactions and the ways in which societies have grappled with the complexities of regulating and organizing intimate encounters.

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