The touching story of a foster mother hugging a girl without a nose.

A three-year-old girl from India, named Durga, who had been refused by many couples seeking to adopt because she didn’t have a nose, has finally found a new home. Kristin Williams, 44, from Cincinnati, adopted little Durga after numerous couples turned her away due to the absence of her nose, which was eaten away by insects when she was abandoned at birth.

But now, Durga has started a new life in Ohio, with her eight-year-old sister Munni, who Kristin also adopted from India in 2012. Reflecting on the journey, Kristin said, “I look at my girls, and I’m so happy. I had set out to adopt a child, but this journey has brought me so much more.”

Kristin was introduced to the adoption process in India and quickly came across little Munni, who had been in an orphanage since 2009. “I was looking through the lists and lists of children up for adoption on my computer screen from an agency, and there were just so many,” she shared. “It was heart-breaking to see how many girls needed a loving home in India. But I suddenly felt this pull for this little girl. Her name was Munni, and she was just five years old at the time. I don’t know what it was, but we connected. I just knew she was my daughter; I felt we had to be together, and I got the ball rolling.”

Over the next two years, Kristin went through paperwork and court processes to adopt Munni, never giving up on her. “I knew I wanted Munni in my life, so I did everything in my power to make it happen,” she added. “I wasn’t giving up on her no matter how long it took.” Eventually, in December 2012, Kristin met Munni for the first time and officially became her adopted mother on Valentine’s Day in 2013.

Kristin didn’t stop there. She expressed her desire to adopt again to her adoption agency, and they promised to keep her informed of available children. It was through her caseworker that Kristin learned about Durga, who had been abandoned in a bush at birth, and insects had eaten away her nose. Despite her difficult past, Durga had made a full recovery and was living in an orphanage.

When Kristin saw Durga’s photo, she didn’t hesitate and knew that Durga would be happy with her and Munni. “I remember that Munni and I were driving home from the park one day when my caseworker called, saying, ‘We have a little girl for you, and you’d be a perfect family for her,’ and I told her to send her information over immediately,” Kristin recalled.

As soon as Kristin and Munni saw Durga’s picture on the computer, they were moved by her story. “I cried straight away. This gorgeous little girl with such beautiful eyes had suffered so much. Munni looked at her photo and said, ‘Is that my little sister?’ I said yes immediately. The caseworker asked if I needed 24 hours to think about it, but I said no, not needed,” Kristin shared.

Now, little Durga has a loving home with Kristin and her sister Munni, and their heartwarming story shows the power of compassion and love in changing lives. The journey wasn’t easy, but the result is a family united by love and the determination to give these girls a bright and promising future.

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