The sea jellyfish, also known as the sea squirrel, is a common marine animal around the world

The sea jellyfish, also known as the sea squirrel, is a common marine animal around the world. They belong to the family of slugs (Echinodermata) and are classified in the class Asteroidea.

The sea jellyfish is shaped like a star with five relatively equal wings, usually blue or red. They live on the seabed, from shallow waters to depths of more than 6,000 meters. Sea jellyfish usually move using their straw-like legs to inhale the surface of the seafloor.

Sea slugs are omnivores, eating everything from algae and small organisms to animals like shrimp and fish. They are also an important part of the food chain of other animals such as whales, seals and other fishes.

In addition to having important biological value, sea buckthorn is also used in traditional medicine and the food industry. In medicine, sea jelly is used to treat pain and other ailments. In the food industry, sea jelly is used as an ingredient in the production of aquatic products such as rice paper, noodles and sauces.

However, the sea jellyfish is threatened by many factors such as climate change, environmental pollution and overexploitation for use in medicine and the food industry. Therefore, the protection and maintenance of sea jellyfish is essential to ensure the ecological balance of the ocean and the sustainable development of humans.

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