The Sacred Moment of an LGBTQ Couple Welcoming Their Third Child.

Yuvan Topper-Erez, a transgender man, recently became a father for the third time and decided to share some intimate photos of his birthing experience. His intention was to showcase that individuals within the LGBT+ community can also embrace this transformative journey and break down barriers. Yuvan, who resides in England, was in the midst of his fourth pregnancy when he indulged in something he had always loved: capturing birthing moments through photography. Initially, he planned to keep the photos private, shared solely with his family. However, he ultimately chose to make them public, and they have already made a significant impact.

Taking to his Instagram account, Yuvan explained that he has always had a fondness for birthing photoshoots, which led him to arrange one for himself. He stated, “At first, I thought they would only serve as a loving memory for me and perhaps for my son. But when I saw the results, I felt the need to share them because they represent two causes that are very close to my heart: normalizing home births and normalizing the experiences of trans or non-binary individuals giving birth.”

Yuvan also revealed that this was his fourth pregnancy, but unfortunately, the previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, leaving him with mixed emotions. He wrote, “It was a difficult wait, both physically and emotionally.” This challenging experience was one of the reasons why he initially chose to share his photos and joy with his closest circle. He added, “I hope that, among other things, this album will inspire those who assist in childbirth and future ‘Hippocampus’ parents (referring to gestational trans parents).” Additionally, he emphasized that he is not the first to go through this experience, but regrettably, not enough individuals have decided to share their experiences due to taboos and discrimination.

Yuvan stated that another factor prompting him to share his images, despite it being a past event, is the ongoing difficulties faced by the LGBT+ community in some countries. He expressed, “I know how important it would have been for me to see photographs like these before my first pregnancy, and I understand the significant impact it continues to have to witness portraits of other trans or non-binary individuals embracing their parenthood these days.”

He asserted, “These photos are my way of saying that we have the right to exist, to make decisions, to love, and to be respected.” The photos quickly went viral, and the proud father received numerous comments from individuals congratulating him on his immense courage to openly discuss a topic that, for a long time, remained in the shadows, such as trans parenting. These images not only demonstrate the existence of trans parenting but also assert the right of individuals to enjoy this journey publicly.

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