The Remarkable Journey of a 65-Year-Old Mother Giving Birth to Quadruplets

Pregnancy and childbirth are often considered most favorable for women between the ages of 20 to 35. Beyond this range, risks increase for both mother and child. The story we present defies the norms and brings into focus the incredible tale of a 65-year-old mother who not only defied expectations but also sparked controversy by giving birth to quadruplets.

Annegret Raunigk, a retired primary school teacher from Germany, holds a unique record as the oldest woman to successfully carry and give birth to quadruplets at the age of 65. A mother of 13 already, her 13th daughter’s persistent requests for more siblings led her down an unconventional path. At 65, she sought fertility treatment involving donor eggs and sperm for in vitro fertilization, a procedure not allowed in Germany but carried out in Ukraine.

Around the 21st week of her pregnancy, during an ultrasound, Mrs. Annegret received a shocking revelation: she was pregnant with not one but four babies. Her obstetrician-gynecologist proposed a “selective” approach to terminate some of the fetuses due to concerns over the physical toll of multiple pregnancies on her aging body. However, Annegret declined the suggestion.

On May 19, 2015, after 26 weeks of pregnancy, Annegret gave birth to three boys and one girl named Dries, Neeta, Bence, and Fjonn via caesarean section. The babies were born prematurely, weighing between 0.6 to 0.9 kg, and faced health challenges. Two required ventilators for breathing, while the other two underwent serious brain and intestinal surgeries. Remarkably, within a year, all four children defied the odds, overcoming their health struggles and reaching a normal weight of about 8 kg.

While Annegret and her children became international sensations, her decision also sparked criticism. Many accused her of recklessness and selfishness, questioning her choice to keep all four pregnancies, potentially endangering both herself and her babies. Critics also noted that raising multiple children at an advanced age could lead to inadequate care and well-being for all involved.

In response to the criticism, Annegret stated, “Everyone should live as we want. It’s not selfishness; it’s my love for kids that makes me feel youthful. My body can handle four children, and I devote a lot of time to caring for and observing them. I’m doing a good job of it.”

Despite the backlash, Annegret and her children persevered. She refrained from sharing family photos on media and social networks after her children turned one due to criticisms. Fast forward to today, the quadruplets are seven years old and attending elementary school. Annegret attributes their stability and happiness to the help she receives from her relatives and older children, demonstrating that even unconventional choices can lead to a fulfilling and joyful life.

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