The sickly puppy mustered all her strength to sit up and reassure the mother dog that everything would be alright.

Life on the streets is already harsh. Homeless animals endure hunger, lack of shelter and clean water, and the constant danger of oncoming traffic as they cross busy streets in search of food. It is an exhausting and never-ending struggle. Stray animals roam freely in many parts of the world, and while it’s not possible to provide housing for all of them, organizations like Animal Help do their utmost to assist as many animals as they can.

One day, the rescue group received a call about a dog suffering from severe mange. Dealing with mange is always challenging, but this dog’s case was particularly severe. She had lost all of her fur, leaving her vulnerable to secondary skin infections, parasites, and potentially fatal sunburn. Animal Help dispatched volunteers to help the dog. Although she was starving and welcomed the volunteers’ treats, she was hesitant to be picked up and taken away.

The dog’s wariness of people was not without reason. She was a new mother, and her puppies depended on her. It took a lot of coaxing and numerous canine treats, but the volunteers were eventually able to get close enough to Momma to lift her up. Now it was time to find her puppies.

One of the mother’s puppies seemed to be alright, but the other one, named Coco, was in poor condition. Coco was also struggling with mange, and her eyes didn’t look good either. She appeared weak and confused.

The volunteer picked up the puppy and brought her over to her mother. Both canines would be taken to the rescue center together.

At the center, Momma was placed on the examination table. Her body was covered in mange, requiring topical antibiotic ointment and daily medicated baths. The hope was that with diligent care and proper nutrition, she would make a full recovery. Momma was scared, but the clinical team did their best to comfort her.

Next, Coco was examined. The little puppy worried the medical team. She was tired and underweight. They provided Coco with a lot of reassurance and love, along with topical therapy for her skin. She would also need daily medicated baths. Fortunately, both Momma and baby could stay together at the rescue facility until they recovered.

Once the dogs were settled in, it was time for their first meal. Momma and Coco weren’t accustomed to being confined in a kennel or interacting with people in this way. When a volunteer entered with a large bowl of food, the dogs were initially stressed. However, as the volunteer knelt down and showed them her good intentions (and a delicious meal), the dogs approached and began to eat. It warmed everyone’s hearts.

Even though the dogs were now safe, they were in an unfamiliar environment. Coco, so tiny and fragile, snuggled up to her mother whenever she had the chance. She found comfort in her mother’s body, and it was a beautiful sight to behold. Their bond was evident and pure.

After a few weeks of thorough treatment, both Coco and her mother showed remarkable improvement. Coco regained her energy and started playing, which sometimes drove Momma a little crazy. The cutest thing happened next, leaving the volunteers in awe. Coco observed her mother closely and imitated everything she did. If Momma scratched her ear, Coco would do the same. If Momma sat down to scratch, Coco would follow suit. Coco never took her eyes off her mother, and it was utterly adorable.

To find out what happens to Momma and Coco next, watch the video clip below. We are forever grateful to Animal Help and all they do for the community. We understand that there are more strays than they can handle, but

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Au Gia Lam