The stone spheres depicted in the image accompanying this note are not props from the movie “Attack on Earth,” but rather real artifacts. These spheres were discovered in a remote area of Costa Rica. Some of them are perfectly shaped like spheres. The questions that arise are: who created these spheres, and for what purpose?

Similar to the pyramids, the Sphinx of Giza, and other stone structures, these spheres present a puzzling mystery. The C14 radiocarbon dating method cannot directly date the stones themselves but can date the organic material found “on the stones.” If the spheres were thoroughly cleaned, any traces of organic matter that could provide a date would have been removed.

Due to these limitations, archaeologists can only estimate the age of these spheres based on the last known population to inhabit the region, which was the “Diquís culture” around 600 AD. However, this explanation does not shed light on how such a primitive population managed to carve numerous spheres (hundreds of them). As any artist knows, sculpting a perfect circle without proper tools is an immensely challenging task, if not impossible. The largest sphere has a diameter of 2.66 meters.

Could there have been other civilizations capable of creating these spheres? Until recently, the Clovis culture was believed to be the original culture of the Americas, residing in North America around 14,000 years ago. It was assumed that all Central and South American populations descended from this culture and were consequently younger. However, we now know this is not the case.

Around 2020, researchers published findings on human remains discovered in Mexico’s Chiquihuite cave. The study, led by Ciprian Ardelean, an archaeologist at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (Mexico), suggests that people inhabited central Mexico at least 30,000 years ago. Furthermore, the genetic analysis of local populations reveals that their ancestors did not originate from North America but from much farther away. They have a “mother population” referred to as the “Y population,” who were the original inhabitants of Sundaland during the thaw age. Additionally, they have a “father population,” the Iñupiat, originating from Siberia. Thus, the history of the peoples of the American continent, and perhaps even our own, needs to be rewritten.

Take a moment to reflect. How many sphere-shaped sculptures do you know from our past? Perhaps none, as creating a perfect sphere is an exceptionally difficult task. What did the people of the past observe or envision to inspire the construction of not just one but hundreds of spheres within such a small geographic region?

The article mentioned is further explored in the book: “HOMO RELOADED – The hidden history of the last 75,000 years.” You can access a copy of the book at this link: [link to the book]

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