The “Hasanlu lovers” died around 800 B.C. and were discovered in 1972. They died in what seems to be an embrace or kiss, and remained that way for 2800 years.

Yes, that is correct. The Hasanlu Lovers are a pair of human skeletons that were discovered by a team of archaeologists in the Teppe Hasanlu archaeological site in Iran in 1972. The skeletons date back to around 800 BC, and are believed to have died during the destruction of the site by an invading army.

The Hasanlu Lovers are unique because they were found in an intimate position, with their arms and legs entwined in what appears to be an embrace or kiss. It is unclear whether they were a couple or simply died in this position by chance, but the image of the two skeletons locked in an eternal embrace has captured the imagination of people around the world.

The skeletons are now on display at the National Museum of Iran in Tehran, where they continue to fascinate visitors and scholars alike. Their discovery has shed light on the lives and customs of ancient civilizations and has become a symbol of love and devotion that transcends time and culture.

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