The 30-year-old mother successfully delivered twins by vaginal delivery, within a week of learning that her chance of getting pregnant again was just 5%.

The doctor informed a woman with hypothyroidism that she would need to wait five years before trying to conceive to ensure that she does not get pregnant due to irregular periods caused by the condition.

However, after trying for two years, the woman decided to stop waiting and became pregnant a month later. After experiencing morning sickness for 12 weeks, the woman discovered that she was carrying two babies who were conceived a week apart, which is a rare phenomenon known as superfetation.

Although the babies were born on the same day, they are not considered twins as they were conceived separately. Superfetation is a rare occurrence that happens when a woman becomes pregnant while already carrying another fetus.

It is challenging to diagnose, as the presence of two fetuses is usually detected during a routine ultrasound, and the two fetuses develop at different rates.

Despite the difficulties of pregnancy, the woman gave birth to healthy twin daughters named Ellie and Millie. She has since created an Instagram page to raise awareness about superfetation.

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