Same to you! Cheeky gorilla Kiondo is snapped sticking out his tongue in Devon zoo

In a delightful display of mischief, a 30-stone gorilla at the Paignton Zoo Environmental Park in Devon has shown off his playful side by sticking his tongue out at a curious visitor. The Western lowland gorilla, named Kiondo, seemed to be in a mischievous mood when he decided to engage with the people observing him.

The incident occurred when Miriam Haas, a visitor to the zoo, found herself face to face with Kiondo. Seizing the opportunity, the 14-year-old gorilla cheekily poked his tongue out, seemingly communicating with his human observers. Miriam, quick to react, managed to capture the playful moment in a photograph.

According to a spokesperson from the zoo, Kiondo’s tongue poking is a form of non-verbal communication. While it remains a mystery what exactly the gorilla was trying to convey, speculations range from his thoughts on the general election, sports, photographers, or even the weather. Regardless of his specific message, it is evident that Kiondo was in a mischievous and playful mood.

Kiondo, a beloved member of the zoo community, originally hails from Stuttgart, Germany. Since his arrival at the Paignton Zoo, he has captured the hearts of both staff and visitors with his charismatic personality. This recent interaction serves as a testament to the unique connections that can be formed between humans and animals, even in brief but memorable encounters.


Gorillas are known for their high intelligence and ability to communicate through various gestures and expressions. Their playful antics not only entertain observers but also provide valuable insight into their social dynamics and emotional well-being. By engaging in such behaviors, Kiondo offers a glimpse into the rich and complex world of these magnificent creatures.

The cheeky gesture of sticking out his tongue reminds us of the shared traits between humans and gorillas, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to protect these incredible animals and their natural habitats. The Paignton Zoo and other wildlife conservation organizations play a vital role in safeguarding the future of gorillas and promoting awareness about their conservation needs.

As Kiondo continues to captivate visitors with his playful demeanor, he serves as a gentle reminder of the beauty and wonder that exists in the animal kingdom. These extraordinary creatures have much to teach us about empathy, curiosity, and the joy of living in the present moment.

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