Pure Delight: Adorable Baby Girl’s Unforgettable Reactions to Her Parents’ Kisses.n

‘Love is an expression. For kids to know that they’re loved, they need to see it, they need to experience it so then they can show it to others as well.’ This profound statement holds true when it comes to children and their understanding of love. Children can sometimes feel envious and jealous, especially when they perceive a lack of attention. While sibling dynamics often play a role, the love between parents can also affect little ones in unexpected ways.

Recently, a video clip surfaced online, capturing a heartwarming yet poignant moment. In the video, a little girl bursts into tears every time her parents kiss. The clip quickly gained attention and stormed the online community, captivating viewers around the world. When this baby saw her parents sharing a kiss in front of her, she broke down in tears. However, the tears subsided when her parents showered her with kisses on her cheeks. The video, uploaded on YouTube by her father, Matt Hanneken, has garnered more than 4 million views. While we all know that baby videos have the potential to go viral due to their innate cuteness, the secret behind this particular video is a little less obvious.

Ella, the adorable baby in the clip, is not just any cute baby; she is a baby whose feelings are easily hurt. In the video, Ella brightens up with a smile when her parents hold her. However, as soon as her parents bring their cheeks and lips close together, her expression changes, and she weakly protests with a cute smile. What’s most intriguing is that the moment her parents kiss her, Ella completely forgets her tears. Yet, she cries again when her parents kiss each other. In the video, Ella’s parents repeat this pattern three times, and each time her reaction varies slightly. The first time they kissed, Ella appeared confused and took some time to understand what was happening before bursting into tears. The second time, she whined a little and immediately burst into tears after the third kiss.

Proud father Matt Hanneken explained that it is a bedtime ritual he and his wife, Krissy, have with each of their children. They have a tradition of kissing them at the same time every night before going to sleep, and their sons, Tyler (8) and Carter (5), enjoy it, finding joy and laughter in the act. The father from Glen Burnie, Maryland, noted that Ella also seemed to love the routine, except for that fateful day on October 3. The caption accompanying the video reads, ‘Our baby girl got very sad when Mommy and Daddy shared a kiss in front of her. She’s jealous for sure!’ And most likely, this is the truth. Children at such a young age crave attention, and any diversion of focus can elicit a response.

Matt Hanneken expressed his happiness that the video of his daughter went viral, emphasizing the importance of parents teaching their kids about love. He believes that love is an expression, and for children to understand that they are loved, they need to witness and experience it, allowing them to emulate and express love to others as well.

The viral video of Ella’s emotional response serves as a reminder of the significance of love and attention in a child’s life. It highlights the delicate nature of a child’s emotions and their need for reassurance and affection. By showing love to our children and allowing them to witness and experience it, we lay the foundation for them to develop and express love in their own lives. This heartwarming and thought-provoking video reminds us all of the profound impact love has on children and the importance of nurturing their emotional well-being.

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