Portrait of the powerful Queen Nefertiti of ancient Egypt, dubbed “the most beautiful in history”, making the sun god also ecstatic

Queen Nefertiti is known as one of the most beautiful and powerful women in human history.

Talking about history, Egypt is one of the countries with the oldest civilization in the world. In particular, ancient Egyptian civilization has become extremely famous for its values to mankind.

Besides, the beautiful and powerful queens are also highlights, who are huge contributors to the world history cycle. In it, it is impossible not to mention the most beautiful and powerful queen in Egyptian history – Queen Nefertiti.

Queen of mystery and power

Queen Nefertiti was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, the king known as the father of King Tutankhamun. Although her origin has not been confirmed, many theories suggest that she is the daughter of Ay, a person with a high position in the court. Meanwhile, there is also another theory that Nefertiti is Tadukhipa, princess Mitanni.

During his 17-year reign (1353 – 1336 BC), King Akhenaten and his wife introduced landmark changes regarding Egypt’s politics and religion. However, contrary to many stereotypes that women are not allowed to participate in government affairs, Queen Nefertiti is said to have an equal position with her husband. In statues, murals or reliefs, the image of her standing side by side with King Akhenaten in important rituals appears a lot.

Besides, the image of Queen Nerfetiti is also often depicted in scenes of power and strength such as defeating enemies or commanding chariots. Traditionally, only pharaohs were depicted in these settings. Thereby, it can be seen that this queen was an extremely powerful and respected figure at that time.

Queen Nefertiti became famous when her bust was discovered in the archaeological site of Amarna, Egypt, in 1912. Thanks to the bust, this queen has been dubbed the “queen” most beautiful in history”. This sandstone sculpture depicts Nefertiti with a long graceful neck, elegant arched eyebrows, perfectly proportioned face and almond-shaped eyes.

Due to being so fascinated by the beauty of Queen Nefertari, the king did not care about the main court but gave all power to the queen to hold. Having power in her hand, the queen established a new type of religion to honor only the god Aten, also known as the sun god, the highest god among all the gods.

With the worship of the sun god, every day of the queen always begins with a dance for the sun god. The Egyptians believed that, if the Sun God was ecstatic at the enchanting dance and beautiful beauty of the queen, he would treat the people here well.

Mysterious Disappearance

After King Akhenaten died, the queen was in charge of the government. However, she encountered many difficulties when many forces were always trying to bring her down. By this time, Queen Nefertiti had disappeared from historical records. Some historians believe she died of the plague while others believe she ran away with her children and was assassinated by a group of polytheists. However, at present, the location of the tomb containing the mummy of this Egyptian queen is still an unsolved mystery.

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