The great philosopher Plato, one of the greatest minds in human history, was ridiculed towards the end of his career. His disappointment was so great that he decided not to finish the second of his three stories on the subject, and not even begin writing the third. Why did the Greeks, a people accustomed to hearing all sorts of stories, and often believing them, mock none other than Plato the great?
Well, in the dialogue “Timée” and in the partial dialogue “Chrytia” (which remained unfinished), Plato recounts that “mysterious Egyptian priests” from the city of Sais told a story to the famous Athenian statesman Solon (638 BC. J. -C. – 558 off. J. -C. ). Plato (428 av. J. -C. – 348 off. J. -C. ), some 200 years later, received this story indirectly, and used it as one of the sources from which he got his narrative. And so far, no surprise.
Plato says many things in this narrative. He talks, among other things, about the existence of a “Big Island” near the “Pillars of Hercules”. He calls it “Atlantis” or “The Land of Atlas.” The Greeks of his time knew that more than 40 years before Plato, the famous historian Herodotus (484 AD. J. -C. – 430 off. J. -C. ) called the mountain range of present-day Morocco “Atlas” in his “Stories”. By the way, it still bears this name today: the Atlas Mountains. For an ancient Greek, the name “Atlantis” or “Atlas Land” meant land that was evidently located at the foot of the Atlas mountains. But everyone knew there was no “big island” at the foot of the Atlas mountains.
In his narrative, Plato, citing the “mysterious Egyptian priests,” claims that this island existed 9000 years before Solon, that is 11,500 years ago. And at that point his haters burst out laughing. And for about 2,000 years people laughed at Plato’s claims about Atlantis.
Finding no “Big Island” near Mount Atlas, various modern authors have “placed” it almost everywhere: some in Sardinia, some in Ireland, some still in Cuba, some in Indonesia. Honest attempts to solve “mystery”. But “the land of Atlas” has always remained where Plato told us it would be. Indeed, a few years ago, a tiny metallic object, the Japanese satellite PALSAR, did justice to the famous Greek philosopher. Whoever the “mysterious Egyptian priests” who told Solon (and through him to Plato) that near the mountains of Atlas, in the land of Atlantis (or Atlantis), there was an enormous island, they were right.
“Nature” magazine article dated 10 November 2015 entitled “Wet periods in Africa triggered the reactivation of a large river system in Western Sahara”, signed by C. Infinite et al. talks about “a large river system in Western Sahara, which originates from the Hoggar plates and southern Atlas in Algeria.” “This valley of the Tamanrasset River has been described as a possible vast and ancient river system.” The article goes into the details from a geological perspective. In summary, we can say that PALSAR discovered a giant river, now dried up, which was born in the mountains of Atlas and crossed all of Northwest Africa, throwing itself into what is present-day Mauritania (attached is a photo of this river, as prepared by researchers).
The “river valley” of Tamanrasset is about 90 km wide. The mouth of this river, today located under the sea, was 400 km wide (!!! ) It was a “monster” comparable to the Amazon River, so large that in many places it is impossible to distinguish it from the sea. This means that the Tamanrasset River could reach a similar width from one ocean to another. We can imagine an observer at ground level: how would he know that it is a river, or a sea, if the opposite coast is 90 km? Aside from the salinity of the water, nothing (but we don’t know if the ancient people would have understood the difference).
When the Tamanrasett River flowed, during the LAST AFRICAN HUMID PERIOD (between 14,500 and 7,000 years, with traces as far as 5,500 years), except for a small part to the north-east, the “Atlas Country”, or “Atlantis”, or the territories to the south of Mount Atlas, were in fact an island. In the north, it was surrounded by the Mediterranean sea. To the west it was surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. To the south, it was surrounded by the Tamanrasset River. To the east, it was almost entirely surrounded by the same river, with the exception of a small section formed by the mountains of Atlas. Can we really call this land an “island”? In the Greek sense, the answer is ‘YES’.
We all know what Peloponnese is, one of the most important regions of Greece. Well, the Peloponnese has exactly the same geographical conformation as the “Country of Atlas”. It’s a “almost-island”, connected to the continent by a small “isthma”. What does the term “Peloponnese” mean? This word comes from the Greek os lop (Pelopos Nesos), which means “island of the Peloponnese”. This is irrefutable proof that for the Greeks of Ancient Ancient, a “quasi-island” such as Peloponnese could be considered a qu, or “island”. So it’s no surprise that Solon, and after him Plato, called the “almost island” of Mount Atlas, or Atlantis, by Sol, or NESOS, a term that we translate to island in the modern sense of the term.
Was it really Atlantis island? This “almost-island” can’t be considered “Atlantis” if it doesn’t pass the “circle test.” What is being said? In his narrative, Plato says that near the island of Atlantis were two unique structures. According to the narrative, one of these natural geological structures would have been created directly by Poseidon, which is why it is called “Poseidon Island”. It was a central mound, around which there were 3 rings of sea and 2 rings of land, perfectly concentrated. Doesn’t say anything about her height It is said to be “sacred”, inaccessible and uninhabited.
The second structure, on which humans have built a city, can be called “Metropolis Island”. It was a natural geological structure very similar to the previous one, but in this case, its dimensions are given. There was a flat central island of about 900 meters wide, followed by 3 rings of sea and 2 rings of land, perfectly concentrated. The total width was about 5 kilometers. Around this natural geological structure (where the king and the nobility lived) spread the city of Atlantis.
What are the odds of finding not ONE, but TWO natural geological structures formed of concentric rings, one of which has to be 5 kilometers wide, and some sort of center island 900 feet wide? You shall not say “None! “. Well, as we learn in the book “ATLANTIDE 2021 – Rediscovering a Lost Continent”, once again thanks to satellites, these two structures were discovered along the course of the Tamanrasset River. We offer them to you in the image attached to this note.
The first natural geological structure is called the Semsiyat dome. It is located on the Chinguetti Plateau in the Mauritanian Desert, at 21°0’N Latitude and 11°05’W. Its dimensions are exactly those given by Plato for “the island of the metropolis”. Its maximum width is exactly 5 kilometers. In the center is a formation exactly 900 to 100 meters wide, the size of the “central island” of the metropolis of Atlantis. You can also see a second inner circle, of the exact size described by Plato.
The second structure, called the “Richat Structure”, is about 20 kilometers away. It is about 40 kilometers wide and consists of a central area from where a series of “rock circles” start. There are clear indications that this was once a lake from where the “earth rings” came from. This is the perfect representation of “the island of Poseidon” as described by Plato.
Satellites have mapped the entire surface of the Earth today. There is no other similar structure on Earth that exhibits these measures or characteristics. They are “one of a kind.” Thus, until something similar is discovered worldwide, based on all the evidence provided by advanced technology, we can say that we have indeed found the land described by Plato: Atlantis.
So the “mysterious Egyptian priests” didn’t lie to Solon, and therefore to Plato, when they told him that at the foot of Mount Atlas some 11,500 years ago was “a large island”. But it raises other important questions: how did they know this, which civilization was aware of the events that occurred between 14,500 and 7,000 years, did this part of Africa ever sink, and what is the relationship between the “Atlantis” and Nan Madol to the “sunken continent” of the Sundaland and Sahuland, recently discovered by researchers? And, above all, where did the people of these regions go?

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