Plant lovers are now creating gardens inside their CARS in a bizarre new ‘cardening’ trend – complete with real dirt, succulents and cactuses

In a peculiar trend that has gained popularity on social media, drivers are transforming their vehicles into mini garden beds, embracing what is now known as ‘cardening.’ Instead of the typical air fresheners and family car stickers, plant enthusiasts are filling their dashboards with catuses, succulents, bonsai, and other indoor plants. While some find this trend amusing and creative, others express concerns about the safety implications, particularly in the event of a car accident.

Photos shared online showcase how drivers have turned their car interiors into makeshift gardens. Cup holders and dashboards are adorned with pots of succulents and indoor greenery, accompanied by pebbles and miniature statues. This unique approach allows plant lovers to bring the outdoors inside their vehicles, adding a touch of natural beauty to their daily commutes.

Critics of the trend raise valid concerns about potential hazards. One of the primary worries is that in the event of a car accident, the presence of catuses could pose a serious threat if the airbags deploy. People express worries about being injured by cactus thorns instead of being protected by airbags. The juxtaposition of a car accident and plants, particularly succulents acting as “claymores,” creates a humorous but cautionary narrative.

Opinions on ‘cardening’ are divided. While some find the trend ridiculous and stupid, others see the humor and creativity in it. Some individuals even view it as a practical solution for displaying their extensive plant collections, especially if they lack space in their homes. One person jokingly suggests that it could deter passengers from putting their feet up on the dashboard.

The ‘cardening’ trend has captured the attention of social media users, with drivers showcasing their ingenuity by transforming their vehicles into miniature gardens. While the idea of bringing nature inside the car is intriguing, the safety implications cannot be ignored. As with any trend, it is essential for individuals to consider the potential risks and ensure that their personal safety and the safety of their passengers are not compromised by their creative endeavors.

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