Only Moms Will Fully Appreciate These Drawings Of Everyday Life With Kids

Becoming a new mom has been life-changing. Having a young child has been difficult, demanding, rewarding, beautiful, difficult, frightening, and a thousand other challenges that only a parent could possibly understand. While moms get supremely excited about each big milestone that their little ones achieve, it is also the small moments that make them feel happy and content.

All these everyday moments can be pretty frustrating yet wonderful and lovely. Be it a peaceful cooking session or a hot shower alone, “me” time becomes a thing of the past. And you quickly come to the realization that seclusion is no longer possible in your life since your children are constantly lingering nearby. You’ll actually notice how easily your little ones transform you into their cozy recliner every time you try to unwind on your couch. But, don’t you secretly find all of this the most adorable thing ever?

Jyldyz Bekova, a mother of two kids and a gifted artist, used her skill to produce a variety of funny illustrations to emphasize this. You will be able to relate to each of these as a mom, we’re sure of it. Take a peek at some of our favorites right here:

#1  Isn’t Co-Sleeping The Best Thing Ever?

This drawing really depicts co-sleeping in the most accurate way possible, doesn’t it? After all, with hands touching one parent and feet touching another, the kid ensures that no one leaves the room. Hence, mission accomplished!

#2  The Evergreen Sneak-Out By Moms Across The World

Now that you are a mother, you know how it is really not possible for you to leave your baby’s room without him/her breaking out in tears. Young children want their mothers to be around them all the time. Therefore, every time the moms need to leave the room, they have to come up with a strategy to make sure they do so covertly and without the kids noticing!

#3 The Much-Talked-About Motherhood Transformation

Have you ever reminisced about the good old days? While you know your body will change with pregnancy and motherhood, and that you’ll be bored with your current body at times, your baby’s little moments also make you feel happy and fulfilled.

#4 Motherhood Does Come With Its Own Set Of Fragrances

As soon as you become a mother, your threshold for bad smell significantly increases. Your children make sure that you become accustomed to this great spectrum of fragrances with all the diaper changes and filthy underwear. Do they not?

#5 Who Said That You Can’t Drown In Tears?

You honestly fear that your home will soon be overrun with tears given how frequently your children cry each day. Be it the fight between the siblings or the lost stuffed toy, your tiny tots can cry at the drop of a hat. Isn’t it?

#6  Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

How many times have you felt envious of your husband for enjoying the status of “super dad”? Your partner comes into the house every evening and reaps the rewards while you work tirelessly all day to make sure your kids have everything they want.

#7  Private Bathroom Sessions Are A Thing Of The Past

Although it would have been nice to think that at least bathroom visits would be private, you now realize that this is a myth. It almost seems like your children can tell when you use the restroom. And, ensure that all their demands are voiced as you sit in the washroom.

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