Nurturing Twin Daughters and a Cherished Son with Affection and Graceful Coordination

When asked to encapsulate her life with five-month-old triplet girls and an almost five-year-old son in a single word, Pennsylvania mom Karae Coursey offered a fitting description: “organized chaos.” A glance at the endearing pictures she shares on Instagram of her bustling family might also add “adorable” to the mix.

Karae Coursey, who herself is a twin, had a hunch that she might be expecting twins due to heightened nausea and fatigue compared to her first pregnancy with her son, Kanon. This suspicion was confirmed during a medical appointment when the ultrasound technician revealed the surprising news.

However, the astonishment didn’t stop there. A doctor entered the room to review the information and dropped the bombshell that she was actually pregnant with not two, but three babies. “My husband [Bryant Coursey] almost fainted and left the room to call his dad,” Karae shared. “I called my sister, mom, and dad as soon as I could. Everyone was excited about the news of the twins, but they were shocked to hear it was actually triplets. Twins run in our family.”

Welcoming her identical triplet girls – Bailey, Beau, and Brook – just five months ago, Karae Coursey decided to share heartwarming photos of her trio, often dressed in coordinated outfits, on Instagram. This endeavor coincided with the blog she started as a creative outlet called “Truly Triplets.”

The proud mom expressed how connecting with her more than 6,000 followers has been both helpful and enjoyable. “People’s responses to the triplets have been amazing,” she remarked. “I didn’t personally know of any triplets before having them. Now I look for other triplets and multiples on social media.”

Alongside the triplet photos, Karae also shares snapshots of her almost five-year-old son, Kanon, who simply “adores” his little sisters. “He’s very affectionate towards them, takes his big brother role seriously, and wants to help,” she said. “He wakes up in the morning wanting to lay down next to them. He thinks he knows what they are saying and already wants to show them off. He knows they’re special.”

Growing up with a twin herself, Karae recalls coordinating outfits with her sibling for much of her childhood. Many of the Instagram photos she posts feature her girls looking more than happy to wear matching onesies.

Karae Coursey also imparts valuable advice for other parents of multiples. She encourages moms and dads to accept the support of family during this “overwhelming” time and emphasizes the importance of getting out of the house occasionally. She also wants struggling breastfeeding moms to go easy on themselves.

“After four weeks, Bailey and Beau came home two days apart from each other, and Brook came home a week later,” she shared. “Not only was it hard to visit the hospital during this time, but it was even more difficult to find time to pump. Preemies are not good nursers, and it would tire them out. Once I started them on formula, a weight was lifted, and I wasn’t so anxious about feedings.”

For moms constantly shuttling between the kitchen and the children’s room, Karae recommends having a mini fridge and bottle warmer in the nursery. Her ultimate piece of advice is the simplest of all: “It gets easier,” she assured. “Hang in there.”

In a world where every day is an exhilarating juggle of love and chaos, Karae Coursey’s journey as a mother to identical triplets and an adoring son shines as a testament to the beauty of family, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds that tie them together.

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