NUDES designs a towering rainwater harvesting concept for san jose, california

in a bid to celebrate the importance of water in our lives, NUDES has conceived of a rainwater harvesting tower for san jose in california. the soaring ‘rain water catcher’ is a design proposal that aims to address the global impact of climate change by advocating the need for water conservation.

designed by NUDES as a receptor to ‘catch’ and transport water into a safe, shallow rainwater harvesting pool connected to a larger tank, the concept celebrates the sensory experience of water through an eye-catching form. the tower shares a scared relationship with the site, in particular, the guadalupe river, its historical context, and its role with respect to water conservation and climate change.

the ‘rain water catcher’ aims to celebrate the role and importance of water in our lives

true to its concept, the form of the ‘rain water catcher’ is algorithmically derived through fluid, flowing lines and geometries that create an interlaced pattern defining the tower as an extension of the landscape. the use of cutting edge digital design and optimization tools aim to streamline the process from ideation to reality, minimizing wastage and fostering respect for the environment through the use of sustainable materials.

the 200ft high central space is aimed at hosting events and fostering interactions to address issues such as water conservation and climate change

the idea of placemaking is central to the tower design and is generated both as an ‘inside-out’ construct. the 200ft (60.96m) high central space within the tower’s interior, creates a sizeable informal assembly aimed at hosting events and fostering interactions aimed at addressing issues such as water conservation and climate change. it intends to serve as an experiential installation space to evoke the human senses of touch, sight, sound, and smell – a space learning, discovery, reflection, and dialogue. the project aims to foster potential collaborations with silicon valley to harness the role of technology with respect to its thematic area of water conservation and climate change.

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