NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula’s Enchanting Journey through Space

This is an unusual view of the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293), a planetary nebula located 700 light-years away, captured by the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) of ESO. The color image was created from pictures taken through infrared filters Y, J, and K. While unveiling a rich background of stars and galaxies, the infrared image from the telescope also reveals filaments of cold nebular gas that are mostly hidden in optical images of the Helix.

The Helix Nebula, also known as NGC 7293, is a captivating object situated approximately 650 light-years away in the constellation of Aquarius. It belongs to a class of celestial bodies called planetary nebulae, which were mistakenly named due to their resemblance to gas-giant planets. These objects were discovered in the 18th century and have since fascinated astronomers with their unique beauty.

In reality, planetary nebulae are the remnants of stars that once resembled our own sun. Throughout their lifespan, these stars undergo a remarkable process called nuclear fusion, where hydrogen is converted into helium through intense reactions in their cores. This fusion process generates the light and heat that sustains these stars, including our sun. However, as these stars near the end of their lives, they shed their outer layers and form mesmerizing nebulae like the Helix Nebula.

The Helix Nebula serves as a glimpse into the future of our own solar system. In approximately five billion years, our sun will exhaust its nuclear fuel and transform into a planetary nebula. As the sun expands and expels its outer layers, it will create a stunning display of colors and intricate structures, leaving behind a white dwarf at its core.

The recent image captured by the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) provides a unique perspective on the Helix Nebula. By utilizing infrared filters, the telescope unveils the cold gas filaments that remain concealed in optical images. This allows astronomers to study the intricate details of the nebula and gain further insights into its formation and evolution.

The Helix Nebula stands as a testament to the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our universe. Its ethereal beauty and intricate structures serve as a reminder of the awe-inspiring phenomena that exist beyond our planet. By continuing to explore and study objects like the Helix Nebula, we deepen our understanding of the cosmos and unravel the mysteries of stellar evolution.


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