NASA Reveals Wandering Star That Could Spell Earth’s Cataclysmic Doom

Scientists say that a wandering star could enter the outer region of the Solar System in over one million years. At that time, it could lead to millions of comets crashing into Earth, causing a doomsday catastrophe.

Gliese 710 is a wandering star that could cause a catastrophic doomsday event in over one million years. According to scientists, this star will wander into our Solar System and cause millions of comets to collide with Earth. Humanity may then face the day of reckoning.

Specifically, the star Gliese 710 is currently located about 62 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Serpens Cauda.

Studies by the scientific community have shown that for over 20 years, the star Gliese 710 has been heading straight towards the Solar System. A study in 2018 revealed that in approximately 1.29 million years, this star will be only 0.06 light-years away from Earth.

With its proximity of just 0.06 light-years to Earth, Gliese 710 will pass through the “Oort Cloud” (described by NASA as a gigantic sphere encompassing the entire Solar System at a distance of 0.03 to 3.2 light-years) and disrupt countless comets.

Many of these comets may be ejected into deep space. Meanwhile, some stars may burst apart within the Solar System but also get propelled towards other planets, creating a meteor shower.

Scientists acknowledge that this situation is far from desirable. The reason is highlighted by Professor Brad Gibson, Director of the EA Milne Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Hull (UK), who points out the dire scenario if the above-mentioned scenario occurs.

“With the same mass, a comet will cause ten times more damage to Earth than an asteroid,” warned Professor Brad Gibson.

Professor Brad Gibson further explains that in one million years, Gliese 710 will truly enter our Solar System and slowly pass through the “Oort Cloud”.

This process will shake up ten million comets and it is predicted that they will rain down on the interior of the Solar System. Among them, millions of comets will directly impact Earth and pose a serious threat to life on the blue planet.

According to Professor Brad Gibson, many scientists are currently observing and studying Gliese 710 as well as other asteroids and comets in order to detect and mitigate any threats to Earth in a timely manner.

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