Mysterious “Zombie” Fish Phenomenon Sparks Investigation in British Waters

A shocking and unsettling phenomenon known as “zombie” fish has recently come to light in British waters, leading to a fervent investigation by authorities. Don Staniford, an animal welfare campaigner, made a distressing discovery while visiting Bakkafrost Scotland’s Portree fish farm on the Isle of Skye. Using a waterproof GoPro camera, he captured the horrifying sight of salmon swimming with large chunks of flesh missing from their bodies.

Describing the scene, Staniford compared it to a scene from an “X-rated horror film.” He stated, “The zombie salmon on show inside the salmon farm are like an X-rated horror film. The horrific injuries inside Bakkafrost’s Portree salmon farm were the worst I’ve ever witnessed.”

This discovery occurred during a 48-hour undercover investigation conducted from June 28 to 29. Staniford used a telescopic pole with a mounted camera to peer into the fish farm’s enclosures. He reported witnessing salmon with deep gashes in their skin and even one fish with a massive chunk missing from its back.

Staniford raised concerns about the welfare of these fish, implying that the farm had failed to implement proper anti-predator netting or neglected maintenance. He demanded immediate action, suggesting that salmon farms that cannot operate within welfare regulations should be shut down.

The Highland Council and the Scottish Government have initiated an inquiry into Staniford’s findings. Staniford attributed the wounds to potential predators, such as seals, and called upon Bakkafrost Scotland, the owner of the farm, to address the issue.

In response, a spokesperson for Bakkafrost Scotland emphasized their commitment to the welfare and health of their fish and the natural environment. They acknowledged the existence of a film depicting fish with signs of seal attacks and asserted that their focus remains on the well-being of their stock.

RSPCA Assured, an animal welfare organization, also investigated the matter. They confirmed that they had examined the situation and visited the farm in person. The organization expressed satisfaction with the farm’s efforts to protect the welfare of both the salmon and any potential predators, such as seals.

As authorities work to uncover the cause of these distressing injuries to the salmon, the investigation continues. The unsettling discovery serves as a reminder of the complex interactions between aquaculture practices and the delicate marine ecosystems they operate within.

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