Miracle of Creation: Indian Woman, 70, Gives Birth to Her First Child

An Indian woman has become a first-time mother at the age of 70, after undergoing IVF treatment in what is considered one of the oldest recorded cases worldwide. Jivunben Rabari and her 75-year-old husband, Maldhari, proudly introduced their son to the media, although his name was not disclosed. Rabari stated that she is 70 years old, making her one of the oldest first-time mothers. However, Erramatti Mangayamma from India holds the current record as the oldest woman to give birth, having delivered twin girls at the age of 74 in September 2019.

The couple, who hails from a small village called Mora in Gujarat, India, has been married for 45 years and had been unsuccessful in conceiving a child for several decades. They turned to IVF treatment, which can be effective even after menopause.

Their doctor, Dr. Naresh Bhanushali, described the case as one of the rarest he had ever seen. Initially, when Rabari and Maldhari approached him, he advised them that it was impossible to have a child at such an advanced age. However, the couple persisted, citing other family members who had achieved similar results. Dr. Bhanushali stated that this was indeed an exceptional case.

Naturally, the chances of a woman in her 70s conceiving are extremely low due to menopause typically occurring between the late 40s and early 50s. However, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) asserts that with medical assistance, any woman, regardless of age, can become pregnant as long as she has a “normal uterus,” even if her ovaries are no longer functional. The process involves using an egg donated by a younger woman, fertilizing it with the father’s sperm outside the body, and then placing the embryo inside the woman’s womb with the hope of achieving pregnancy.

Instances of women in their 60s and 70s giving birth through IVF have been documented in India. Mangayamma, the previous record holder, delivered twin girls at the age of 74 through IVF treatment. This “medical miracle” took place on September 5, 2019, utilizing a donor’s egg and her husband’s sperm. Mangayamma shared that she was inspired to pursue motherhood after witnessing her 55-year-old neighbor successfully conceive.

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