Man decides to take his own life – then he realizes what’s in his dog’s mouth

Byron, a 25-year-old man from Gloucester, England, was in a deep depression after a relationship ended. He turned to alcohol to numb his pain, and eventually, he made a noose and wrote a farewell letter to his family.

However, his loyal dog, Geo, refused to stand by and watch his best friend say goodbye. Geo, a six-year-old Welsh bullmastiff, had a sixth sense about what Byron was planning and managed to take the noose away from him. Byron tried to get the rope back, but Geo refused to give it up, gnarling his teeth like he’d bite Byron if he tried to take it back.

Geo’s quick action saved Byron’s life, and he started working hard to cope with his depression. However, a few years later, Geo was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor and given only a few days to live.

Byron started an online fundraiser to pay for Geo’s medical treatment, but unfortunately, it was too late. Byron decided to make the most of Geo’s last days, and he’s eternally grateful to him for giving him the gift of life. Today, Byron shares his story with others, hoping to raise awareness of the mental health issues that can affect anyone and the importance of having loyal friends like Geo by our side.

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