Loving each other in the “surrogacy” life, the mother shows the “original” photo of the father and son

People often say that “children in a family are not like feathers, but rather like wings,” while “surrogate” mothers express their dissatisfaction, saying that “children in a family resemble both wings and feathers.”

There has been a recent viral trend on social media, with a series of photos showing fathers and sons, proving that the mother has “surrendered” and cannot escape the life of being a “surrogate” parent. Many other mothers in similar situations have come forward, presenting similar evidence.

Not only do the children share a resemblance when sleeping, but their running posture, forehead wrinkles, squinting, and frowning also appear identical, as if they were molded from the same mold. Their unconscious expressions are also mirrored by the father and son, leaving the mother feeling a sense of pity.

The eye color and the way the mouth moves, it’s uncanny.

Oh, you think you’re the only one who can twist your mouth? Look at me.

Although the child still possesses many newborn features, it’s undeniable that they are a spitting image of their father.

Who would dare to say that I don’t resemble my father?

When it comes to sleeping, our poses are identical.

My father and I compete to see who can touch their nose with their lips.

The general sleep pattern has been passed down from infancy.

She already knows how to furrow her forehead just like her father.

Even when paired up, they unconsciously act in the same manner. Truly, it’s a case of “like father, like son.”

This is our secret way of sharing and bonding, a secret passed down from father to son.

That’s right, a “copy of the original.”

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Be Tien