Lions Attack Crocodile Walking on Land

In a remarkable and unexpected encounter, a pride of lions fearlessly launched an assault on a massive crocodile that had ventured onto land, unaware of the imminent danger it would face.

The incident took place at the Entabeni Game Reserve in the Waterberg, providing an extraordinary sighting for 15-year-old Connor Dawes and his family. Connor shared this thrilling experience with, recounting the events that unfolded before their eyes.

As the male lion, a powerful and majestic creature, strolled along a dirt road near a dam, several young lions joined his path. Their curiosity piqued when they spotted the crocodile basking in the sun. Lions, renowned for their ferocity and hunting prowess, rarely encounter reptiles of such formidable size. A mature crocodile can grow up to 7 meters (22.9 feet) in length and weigh a staggering ton (2204 pounds), far exceeding the weight of a fully grown lion, which typically weighs around 270 kilograms (595 pounds).

Realizing the advantage they had in numbers, the lions encircled the crocodile. Both species are skilled hunters, but the crocodile possesses a mighty bite force that could inflict severe harm upon a lion. However, the lions understood the power of unity, and their collaborative efforts would likely secure victory.

Much to the amazement of the onlookers, the male lion initiated the attack, lunging towards the unsuspecting crocodile. Witnessing this audacious act, Connor was initially taken aback by the lion’s daring decision. However, his concern shifted when the lion seized the crocodile’s hind leg and forcefully pulled it away from the safety of the water. Encouraged by the male’s bravery, the rest of the pride joined in, harassing and assaulting the reptile.

Despite the crocodile’s valiant struggle, it eventually managed to escape the clutches of the lions, returning to the sanctuary of the water. Relief washed over the observers, knowing that the crocodile had evaded certain death. Remarkably, the following day, the crocodile was spotted swimming in the dam, seemingly unscathed by the encounter. Even weeks later, visitors reported that the crocodile appeared to be doing well, offering reassurance about its survival.

The incident left everyone astounded, including the experienced game ranger, who confessed to never witnessing or hearing of such an extraordinary interaction between lions and crocodiles.

Sharing extraordinary wildlife encounters like this has become possible through platforms like, which allows nature enthusiasts to contribute their unforgettable videos and sightings. Furthermore, visitors can benefit from the shared knowledge and experiences of others, utilizing interactive maps based on actual wildlife sightings to plan their adventures in parks such as Kruger and Pilanesberg.

Witnessing the bravery and determination of the lions as they took on a formidable opponent serves as a reminder of the awe-inspiring dynamics of nature. It is through such extraordinary encounters that we gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse and captivating world of wildlife.


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