Jоһn Ⅼеɡеnԁ Bесоmеѕ а 𝖣аԁ Fоr Тһе Fоurtһ Т𝗂mе: Тһе Bаbу 𝖶аѕ Bоrn Оf А Ѕurrоɡаtе Mоtһеr

John Legend and his wife Christine Teigen have become parents for the fourth time. The famous couple, married since 2013, welcomed little Wren Alexander Stephens, born of a surrogate mother. Just five months ago, in January, the singer and the model had their third child, which the two had celebrated as “a real miracle”, after the loss of their child two years earlier due to a placental abruption .

The same showgirl and TV presenter gave the happy announcement with a post published on Instagram. “We want to thank you for this incredible gift you have given us, Alexandra – he wrote referring to the surrogate mother, Alexandra Ryan – and we are happy to announce to the world that he is here and with a name that binds him forever to you, Wren Alexander Stephens “. The Legend-Teigen family is growing in size, with six members now. In addition to little Wren Alexander, the two are parents of Luna Simone, Miles Theodore and Esti Maxine, born respectively in 2016, 2019 and 2023.

Surrogate gestation, Christine Teigen’s motivations In a long message, Christine Teigen explained why she decided to resort to a surrogate mother for little Wren. “After losing Jack, I didn’t think I’d be able to carry any child anymore. The people around me didn’t want me to run the risk of feeling that pain again – explained the model – So, in 2021 we turned to a surrogate mother agency. But at one point, while I was going through therapy, I went to John and told him I wanted to try being a mother one last time.”

As explained by Teigen, meeting Alexandra Ryan, the woman who gave birth to her fourth child, was a real fortune: “I knew immediately that she was going to be perfect, from the first moment we spoke to her. I wanted to be friends with her I wanted our kids to play together, I wanted to eat with her, I wanted to put my ear to her tummy and listen to my son’s heartbeat. I wanted her to be in my life forever, and I still do.”

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