Incredible: Woman Keeps her Passion for Pole Dancing Alive in 37th Week of Pregnancy

It appears that the 28-year-old woman effortlessly performs tricks while upside down.

Whether you call it pole dancing or pole dance, one thing remains the same: the perception of this art form. Many still view it as inappropriate or indecent. And even if considered decent, it is often not seen as compatible with pregnancy, mini-skirts, stilettos, and stockings. However, 28-year-old Jade was not deterred by these opinions. She continued pole dancing even during her pregnancy.

Jade initially had doubts about her ability to conceive due to her intense fitness and pole dancing routine. Her periods had stopped due to low body fat. Her gynecologist believed she was infertile and would need IVF to conceive. But Jade proved them wrong. She took a break from her rigorous workouts, gained some weight, and successfully became pregnant with her partner Nathan.

As for dancing, Jade initially stopped when she found out she was pregnant. However, once she got the green light from her doctors, she resumed dancing, but at a reduced frequency. She also took precautions when dancing on canvases to protect her belly.

Jade’s doctors confirmed that her healthy and fit lifestyle made it safe for her to continue dancing during her pregnancy. In fact, abruptly stopping physical activity could have negatively impacted her health.

Jade gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Maddox, who weighed 3900 grams.

Now, Jade is back in shape after giving birth, and her dedication to fitness has helped her quickly tighten her stomach muscles.

It’s important for pregnant women to engage in physical activity, as long as they follow certain guidelines. If you were not active before pregnancy, it’s best to stick to regular walks. If you were active, you should modify your activities and reduce intensity during the first and third trimesters. It’s also important to avoid exercises that strain the abdominal muscles or involve lifting heavy objects.

Consulting with a doctor before engaging in any physical activity is crucial, and starting a new exercise routine without proper guidance is not recommended. Swimming is a great option for pregnant women, as it engages all muscle groups.

In conclusion, Jade’s story shows that maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle during pregnancy can be beneficial, as long as it’s done safely and under the guidance of a medical professional.

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Be Hieu