Heartrending Image of a Dog Nurturing a Newborn Moves Millions to Tears

Surely many of us still remember the story of a newborn baby being saved by a dog in 2015. The image of a dog carrying a newborn baby running towards someone has brought millions of people to tears.

As noted by many locals, this dog accidentally found the baby while wandering for food. Immediately, driven by the instincts of the most loyal animal on the planet, the chivalrous dog carried the baby to a crowded place to seek help.

The uncle allowed him to wander and find a way to save the newborn baby, touching the hearts of millions of people.

In May 2016, numerous online newspapers reported that “the baby who was saved by the dog that day is now being raised at a temple in Thailand.” However, according to research, the little boy being raised in the mentioned temple is another case of abandonment by his mother, not the baby saved by the dog.

The baby being raised in a temple in Thailand is another case of an abandoned newborn baby, not being saved by a dog as many online newspapers report.

Also, according to information from many mainstream newspapers in Thailand, the baby abandoned by his mother is now an uncle, warming the hearts of many people.

The boy’s recent pictures were published in a local newspaper in an effort to find his real parents. However, for many people, they hope that he will grow up in the protective arms of the temple, growing up peacefully and healthy, just like the smile he has now.

Regarding the true story of the baby being saved by the dog on that day, so far we have not received any more information about this baby, only knowing that he was born and saved in Brazil. We hope that he was saved and raised similarly to the baby in Thailand.

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