Giving birth must also be beautiful: Pregnant women follow new trends, make up carefully before giving birth

There are important events happening in life that no one cares about on the outside, you might think of giving birth as one of those occasions. But this is not true for the mothers who dress up below in the middle of the night.

Several studies from Cosmetify show that 64% of women between the ages of 18 and 31 prefer a beauty routine right before labor, including waxing (65%), manicures (57%), pedicures (43%). ), dyeing skin (37%) or styling hair (32%). Beautifying for occasions like this is becoming more and more popular and there’s a reason for it.

Research has found that 68 per cent of British women put on makeup the day before they give birth due to the pressure to look good after delivery. Another two-thirds of expectant mothers, ranging in age from 18 to 31, will also invest in beauty treatments before the big day such as manicures or pedicures, tan sprays and blow-drying. .

First, realistic images of pregnant women giving birth were often stigmatized centuries ago, and it was only the woman who had to bear the pressure of being looked down upon. So many modern women think, why can’t they wear makeup to look more confident even during childbirth?

Furthermore, in a survey, women were asked why they care about how they look after giving birth, and the top reasons are: They want to look better in pictures. (31%), look fresh when people visit (26%), they don’t want to look like they just “died and come back to life” (22%),…

Below are pictures of some pregnant mothers from all over the world who decided to put on a lot of makeup before giving birth.

Other mothers shared pictures of themselves applying powder between contractions or being cared for like a queen before giving birth. In 2016, makeup artist from New York – Alaha Karimi made headlines after she shared three photos of herself in labor but still wearing foundation.

She then revealed herself wearing makeup to distract herself from contractions:

“I went to the hospital at 7:30 a.m. and the labor lasted a total of 10 hours. I had an epidural around 8:30 or 9:00 a.m., so when the anesthetic wore off, I needed something to distract myself from the pain,” Alaha told ABC News.

Karimi, the bridesmaid, jokes that if her makeup can survive a wedding day filled with tears and laughter, it certainly won’t move after childbirth.

On Instagram, a makeup artist named Tegan Woodford, from Queensland (Australia) revealed that she put makeup on her sister-in-law while she was in labor to help with the stress. By the time Tegan arrived, her sister-in-law’s contractions had slowed, so she could focus on putting on her sister’s makeup.

“Halfway through her make-up, her contractions increased every few minutes, and then we had to race to the hospital. Her uterus was already seven centimeters dilated,” recalls Tegan.

Overall, for many women, prenatal makeup is like a solution to help them feel relaxed, temporarily forget the stress of the terrible cramps coming. Meanwhile, some people believe that makeup is for personal purposes and interests, for example to take a beautiful photo to post on Instagram.

But, whether or not you approve of wearing makeup during childbirth, all pregnant women should always heed the advice of their doctors and use cosmetics that are safe for both mother and fetus. Accordingly, an obstetrician in the state of Arizona (USA) noted that: “Many makeup products such as powder, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, etc., are not harmful to use, as long as you avoid them. Stay away from products containing retinoids and salicylic acid.


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