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Having 3 children, the first child is 22 years old, the mother at the age of 42 spends the days reeling with milk diapers when suddenly giving birth to two sets of twins within 12 months.

According to English News , Donna is now 42 years old and her husband David Cordingly 48 years old has three children including Thomas (22 years old), William (19 years old) and Hannah (16 years old). Twins born a year apart, now three and four years old, have almost turned the entire british couple’s life upside down.

before her 38th birthday, Donna had many stomachaches. Suspecting she had gallstones, she went to the doctor and was shocked to be told she was pregnant with twins. The youngest daughter is 11 years old,  Donna can not imagine how she will return to the series of days and nights, changing diapers, taking care of children. She had to give up her office job, starting a fight to take care of twins  Olivia and James

Twins George and Isabella, now 3, were born a week before twins Olivia and James’ first birthday. Photo: English News

When the two children were 4 months old,  Donna sobbed in the hospital when she again found out she was pregnant with twins. The couple hugged each other to discuss how to manage time and money for the next birth of their children.

George and Isabella were born a week before their first birthday. The couple was born 7 weeks premature and weighed just over 1.4 kg. After 6 weeks of intensive care, the two babies were discharged from the hospital.

Donna  and her husband  are struggling with feeding and changing diapers about 30 times a day for 4 children. Not being able to have as much time as when she had only one child made her feel guilty. She said that the only reason she didn’t go crazy in the first place was because she didn’t have a moment to analyze her feelings. With no time for herself, Donna jokes that the couple’s sex life will probably be delayed for at least a decade.

Having two sets of twins means a quadruple the work, but it also means a quadruple the love, joy, and laughter. “Sometimes just eavesdropping on children talking and playing in the room, the feeling of happiness is indescribable,” said Donna.

Exhausted from taking care of twins  Harry and Oscar, mother  Stacy Wright sometimes forgets to take her birth control pills. When her two boys were 9 months old, she discovered she was pregnant with twins again. The family had no history of carrying twins, so Stacy was surprised. The pair of preterm girls born in 2011 spent the first four months of their lives in intensive care in the hospital.

Twin boys Harry and Oscar are now 5 years old and girls Annie and Eliza are 4. Photo: English News.

“We were shocked when the twins were not the same. The time to take care of four children at the same time was really terrible,” the 32-year-old mother shared. Despite rigorous training, trying to discipline her children to quit bad habits, there were times when all four children cried together, making her want to scream and get out of the house.

Unable to return to work, the financial burden was placed on her husband’s shoulders in the construction industry. Adding to the exhaustion of raising children, the Stacy and his wife’s relationship fell into prolonged tension and then they broke up.

“I’m picturing my children’s teenage years. Having two couples would be a challenge for anyone. but the kids have brought so much joy. I can’t imagine my life without it. have four kids,” Stacy shared.

Leah Eaton, 39, and her carpenter husband Andrew, 48, also have five children, Harry, 13, twins George and Amber, 11, and Henry and Charley, seven. The first twins were born when  Harry was only 16 months old.

Difficulties intensified when  George had a congenital heart defect and had to undergo open-heart surgery after he was born. Just going in and out of the hospital to take care of their children, and struggling with taking care of the children at home, the couple hardly had time to rest.

Twins George and Amber, 11, and Henry and Charley, 7. Photo: English News.

Things were easier when the children started going to school, but the mother continued to suddenly become pregnant with twins. Leah Eaton went through a period of severe depression during pregnancy and postpartum. Her mother was there to help her daughter through it all.

Her husband had to work 7 days a week to cover expenses,  Leah Eaton quit her job completely to take care of her 5 children by herself, including two with acid reflux. Thanks to the help of the two families,  Leah Eaton’s life gradually stabilized with dinners and conversations with her children.

The latest statistics in the UK show that the number of twins has doubled in the past 40 years. This is often the result of fertility treatment or delaying motherhood that causes the ovaries to release multiple eggs at once. Many twins become the cause of problems in their parents’ marriage, sex and financial lives.

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