Empowering a Boy with a Black Birthmark: Mother Utilizes Makeup Techniques to Foster Connection

Societal Judgement Towards Enzo's Mark On His Face Encouraged His Mom To Replicate It On Hers To Walk In His Shoes | Bored Panda

Enzo Cstari, now a one-year-old, entered the world with a distinctive dark birthmark that spans across his forehead, extending gracefully to one side of his nose.

His mother, Carolina Giraldelli, a 26-year-old resident of Cáeres, Brazil, made a heartfelt vow not to conceal her son’s birthmark, determined to ensure that he was embraced for who he is, imperfections and all.

When he was just five-days-old Enzo had to undergo surgery to check the birthmark was harmless

Recalling the challenging and trying times, Giraldelli shared, “I confess that it was a very tiring and difficult time for me and my son when I always felt the eyes of society watching and whispering things that I myself knew were not good, good at all! The looks of pity, contempt, fear, and sometimes disgust are always directed at us.” She added, “Although this is not an easy thing to accept, my husband and I have decided to act normal and act normal, despite our words. We just want to give our son strength, so that he can always believe in himself and move on.”

Carolina vowed to never hide his unique mark and to make sure he knew he was perfect just the way he is

Giraldelli passionately expressed, “When someone feels disturbed, curious, or scared just by looking at the birthmark on our son’s face, we always try to make him understand that despite the birthmark on his face, he is still a normal boy who can play, make friends, give and receive love from everyone just like other children.”

In a remarkable gesture to better comprehend the challenges her son faces, Giraldelli requested her friend, a skilled makeup artist, to recreate Enzo’s birthmark on her own face. This experiment aimed to give her a glimpse into the prejudices and biases that her son might encounter. Reflecting on the experience, Giraldelli shared, “After the makeup was done, I was really surprised and touched because I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world.” She further recounted, “When I got home, Enzo’s reaction was pure joy and happiness, even though he didn’t fully understand everything.”

Carolina said people gave her strange looks when she worked with the birthmark on her face

Capturing the poignant moment in photographs, Giraldelli courageously went about her day with the makeup on. She acknowledged that people’s gazes shifted, but she maintained her composure, fueled by a profound sense of maternal pride.

Enzo’s journey began in May 2017 when he came into the world through a cesarean section. Giraldelli revealed that during the birth, she initially dismissed the birthmark as a speck of dirt. However, when the truth dawned upon her, she cried tears of gratitude for her healthy newborn.

When she discovered her son's birthmark Carolina deiced to be a 'stronger' person for her son

With unwavering determination, Giraldelli recognized that she needed to become a source of strength, courage, and resilience for her son as he navigated the potential challenges that lay ahead. Upon sharing a photograph of herself adorned with a simulated birthmark on social media, Giraldelli was met with an outpouring of support and encouragement. She shared, “The words of comfort, encouragement, and support for my son have been abundant, leaving me overjoyed and overwhelmed by these comments. I believe countless mothers will share similar sentiments upon seeing pictures of me with my son.”

Carolina Giraldelli’s unwavering love and devotion to her son Enzo serve as a shining example of a mother’s determination to break down barriers and inspire acceptance, resilience, and self-love in the face of adversity.

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