Emotional Reunion: Retired Police Dog Sheds Tears Upon Seeing Former Handler!

Prepare your tissues, as this heartwarming tale is sure to tug at your emotions. In a moment that beautifully captures the bond between humans and their loyal canine companions, a retired police dog was recently reunited with his former handler, evoking a mix of tears and smiles.

Meet Wang Wang, an eight-year-old German shepherd who once served as a dedicated sniffer dog at a security checkpoint in Xichuan, Henan Province, located in central China. After a fruitful career in law enforcement, Wang Wang retired in June 2019 and was fortunate to find a loving forever home where he could enjoy his well-deserved retirement.

Last month, an unexpected surprise was in store for Wang Wang. His former handler, a police officer who had worked closely with him during his active duty, decided to pay him a visit while patrolling near Wang Wang’s residence. A video capturing this heartwarming moment was shared on the Xichuan police Douyin account, a platform akin to TikTok in China.

The heart-melting footage shows Wang Wang responding to his former handler’s familiar call. With excitement and anticipation, Wang Wang dashes out of his home, meeting his handler with boundless joy. As they reunite, the dog’s tail wags furiously, and he showers his handler with affectionate licks. The depth of their connection is evident as Wang Wang stays by his former owner’s side, almost as if cherishing every second of this long-awaited reunion.

However, the emotional climax of the reunion is accompanied by a touch of sadness. As the patrol team readies to leave, Wang Wang refuses to let them go, persistently staying beside his manager, not ready to part ways once again. The video’s caption poignantly mentions how Wang Wang’s fur has turned grey with time, a subtle reminder that goodbyes are never easy, especially when they involve beloved friends.

The heartwarming reunion video captured the attention of netizens, whose hearts were deeply touched by the unwavering loyalty and love displayed by Wang Wang. Comments poured in, praising the bond between humans and dogs and underscoring the importance of treating these faithful companions with kindness and respect.

While some viewers expressed confusion over why Wang Wang and his handler couldn’t stay together, the Xichuan police clarified their stance. Retired police dogs, they explained, receive excellent care at home compared to a training facility. Although these loyal dogs were well-fed and trained during their service, officers have limited time for leisure activities with retired dogs, making a loving home a more suitable environment for their retirement years.


In a world often marked by fleeting connections, the story of Wang Wang and his handler reminds us of the enduring relationships we can form with our four-legged friends. Their reunion encapsulates the joy, loyalty, and deep emotional connections that can develop between humans and their beloved animal companions.

Hits: 27

Be Hieu