Diagram of the inside of the ancient pyramid of Giza!

The ancient Pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is a marvel of architecture that continues to captivate and fascinate people to this day. Its massive structure and intricate design demonstrate the ingenuity and advanced engineering skills of the ancient Egyptians. Let’s explore the interior of this magnificent pyramid.

Enntrance gate:
The pyramid’s entrance is on the north face, about a third of the way up from the base. It leads to a descending corridor called the Walkway.

The way down:
This long, narrow corridor slopes down at an angle of about 26 degrees. It is designed to deter grave thieves and protect the burial chamber. The way down leads to a fork known as the Underground Chamber.

Underground room:
This unfinished room is located at the base of the pyramid. It was originally intended to be the main burial chamber but was later abandoned to make way for the more spacious room above. The purpose of the Underground Chamber remains a subject of speculation by researchers.

I went in it in 1971. At that time there were no tourists. I am not claustrophobic but I was overcome and had to run out. I tried three times but couldn’t go all the way down.

Ascending paragraph:
Located near the Underground Room, the Ascending Walk is a steeply sloping corridor leading to the Grand Gallery.

Large showroom:
This impressive passage is a highlight in the interior of the pyramid. It is a long, steep corridor with a height of more than 8 meters (26 feet) and a width of about 2 meters (6.5 feet). The walls are decorated with a diamond-shaped ceiling, creating a striking visual effect. The purpose of the Great Gallery is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have served as a symbolic or ceremonial passageway.

Queen Room:
The Queen’s Chamber is located on the lower level of the pyramid, which is connected to the Grand Gallery. Despite its name, it is unlikely that any queens are actually buried here. It was a smaller room of simple design, containing an empty granite sarcophagus when discovered. The purpose of this room remains a subject of debate among Egyptologists.

King room:
The King’s Chamber is the main burial chamber of the pyramid. It is located above the Queen’s Chamber and is accessed via a side passage from the Grand Gallery. The room was built of giant granite blocks and contained a large granite sarcophagus that was once believed to contain the pharaoh’s mummy.

Air shaft:
The King’s Chamber and Queen’s Chamber both have narrow shafts extending from their walls. These air shafts are said to have served a symbolic or ceremonial purpose, connecting the pharaoh’s soul to the heavens. Some researchers also speculate that they play a role in providing ventilation to rooms.

Diagram of the interior of the Ancient Pyramids of Giza offers a glimpse into the remarkable architectural and engineering achievements of the ancient Egyptians. Its intricate design and purposeful structure continue to arouse curiosity and inspire awe, reminding us of the extraordinary legacy left by this ancient civilization.

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Be Tien