Couple L.o.s.e.s 2 Young Sons In C.rash, Then God Blessed Them With Twins

Whether or not you believe in miracles, this story is sure to bring tears to your eyes.

Hadley and Gentry Eddings, a couple living in Southern California, were involved in a devastating car accident in May 2015. While driving home from a wedding, their vehicle was struck by a truck. Though they suffered only minor injuries, they tragically lost their two-year-old son, Dobbs, in the accident. The incident also claimed the life of Baby Reed, who was two weeks away from his due date.

At the time of the crash, Hadley was 38 weeks pregnant. She was rushed to the hospital, where she underwent an emergency C-section to deliver Baby Reed. Sadly, just two days later, the infant passed away, joining the heavenly realm.

The Eddings family grieved the loss of their children, and the following days were filled with sorrow. The thought of having more children seemed like a betrayal to Dobbs and Reed, making it difficult for them to move forward. However, Hadley eventually realized that she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life without experiencing motherhood again. After much contemplation and working through their emotional struggles, the couple decided to embrace the opportunity of parenthood once more.

Finding solace and strength in their faith, they believed that God had a positive plan for them.

Forgiving the driver responsible for the accident, who was sentenced to 15 months in prison, proved to be the most challenging part of their healing process. Yet, they eventually found it in their hearts to forgive him. Gentry, who is a pastor, firmly believes in the transformative power of forgiveness.

Their prayers were answered when Hadley gave birth to twin boys on July 10, 2017, just a few weeks after the tragic events that unfolded two years earlier. The couple joyfully announced the arrival of their sons, proclaiming, “We give thanks to Jesus for our third and fourth miracles: Isaiah Dobbs Eddings and Amos Reed Eddings. Two healthy and beautiful boys.”

The names they chose for their sons, Isaiah Dobbs Eddings and Amos Reed Eddings, pay tribute to their beloved brothers who had passed away.

Can the birth of twins be described as anything less than a miracle? Their family friend, Stacey Martin, fittingly describes this birth as God’s way of turning ashes into beauty. We couldn’t agree more.

We extend our warmest congratulations to the new parents!

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