Congratulations to the mother from Bendigo for a successful and speedy birth in her car

Ms Cinatl had the amazing event on May 21 recorded by her birth photographer Breanna Gravener who was luckily trailing her car

A remarkable incident unfolded on a roadside as a mother gave birth on her way to the hospital, with the extraordinary event captured by a birth photographer who happened to be trailing behind her car. Corinne Cinatl, a 29-year-old woman from Bendigo, Victoria, delivered her daughter Matilda in the front seat of the family car, turning an everyday drive into an unforgettable story.

Corinne Cinatl, 29, from Bendigo in Victoria, welcomed daughter Matilda in the front seat of the family car

Corinne, who was accompanied by her husband and three-year-old son, had been experiencing discomfort in her ribs during the early hours of May 21. Ignoring the sensations initially, she eventually realized that she was in labor as contractions became more frequent. Corinne, who practices HypnoBirthing, felt her first contraction at 5:50 am. Her husband, Mishi, initially hesitated to stop the car, assuming they could reach the hospital. However, when Corinne’s water broke and she expressed feeling the baby’s head, they knew they had to pull over.

Ms Cinatl had the amazing event on May 21 recorded by her birth photographer Breanna Gravener who was luckily trailing her car

In an astonishing turn of events, Corinne gave birth in the car, supported by her husband and witnessed by her birth photographer friend, Breanna Gravener. Breanna had been following behind the family’s car just in case something happened on the way to the hospital. Corinne’s labor progressed rapidly, and the birth photographer managed to capture the entire process, creating a series of photographs that beautifully depicted the miraculous roadside birth.

About 20 minutes into the 35 minute drive to the hospital her water broke and she told her husband Mishi (right) they needed to pull over

Corinne, who also teaches Intuitive Birthing classes, later shared that she had desired pictures of the birth without the graphic details, and she was amazed by the way Breanna managed to capture the essence of the event while keeping the images tasteful. The bond between the two women was strengthened by their shared experience, as Breanna had previously taken Corinne’s birthing classes.

Ms Cinatl said she wasn't thinking about the fact she was in a car, and the only challenge was labouring in the car sitting upright

After the successful birth, Corinne’s husband promptly called for an ambulance. The family was taken to the hospital, where Matilda’s umbilical cord was cut. Both Corinne and Matilda were found to be in good health, and they were discharged just six hours later. Corinne hopes that her experience will reassure other mothers who might find themselves unexpectedly giving birth in a similar manner, emphasizing that quick births rarely lead to complications.

Mr Cinatl was reluctant to stop the car as he thought they could make it to the hospital but Ms Cinatl's water broke and she told him she could feel the baby's head

Corinne’s extraordinary story underscores the unpredictability and wonder of childbirth. Despite the unexpected circumstances, the support of her husband, the presence of her friend and birth photographer, and her own inner strength turned an ordinary car journey into an incredible memory that Corinne and her family will cherish forever.

Ms Cinatl said Matilda is healthy and 'totally in love' with her brother Charlie, three

Ms Cinatl said the pictures were more perfect than she could have hoped for

After the birth Mr Cinatl called an ambulance and the family was taken to hospital where baby Matilda's umbilical cord was cut

Ms Cinatl pictured on Tuesday with healthy baby Matilda who is now six weeks old

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Ms Cinatl pictured on Tuesday with healthy baby Matilda who is now six weeks old I wanted pictures of the baby coming oᴜt but I didn’t want them to be really graphic,’ she said. ‘They’re so descriptive but really tame.’ The two women have known each other for two years, and Ms Gravener has taken Ms Cinatl’s Intuitive Birthing classes in the past. After the birth Mr Cinatl called an аmЬᴜɩапсe and the family was taken to һoѕріtаɩ where baby Matilda’s umbilical cord was сᴜt. Ms Cinatl and Matilda were healthy so they were discharged six hours later. Ms Cinatl wants other mothers to know that if they find themselves in a similar situation it’s not necessarily a саᴜѕe for сoпсeгп. ‘If a birth is happening that quickly it’s very гагe that there’s a complication,’ she said. сomрɩісаted births are not quick births.’


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