Breaking Barriers: Eryn’s Journey in Navigating Tandem Breastfeeding



My acquaintance with Eryn has spanned several years, and I’ve always known her to be a graceful, kind, and nurturing soul. While our interactions as mothers have primarily been online due to our busy lives as entrepreneurs and new moms, especially amidst a pandemic, I recently had the opportunity to witness Eryn’s exceptional motherhood journey in person. It was a profoundly special experience to see her embrace this role with such grace and love. During our time together, Eryn shared that she was engaged in tandem breastfeeding her children, and it’s an honor for me to share their story, particularly in light of #nationalbreastfeedingmonth.

“Olly and Loki Boobie Share: A Tandem Breastfeeding Story”

As I write this narrative, I find myself holding my phone with one hand, making notes about our journey, while nursing my toddler on one side and my 3-month-old on the other. Could I have ever imagined that I’d be a mother tandem nursing? Absolutely not. Yet, here we are, and I love this experience more than I could have ever fathomed.

Loki, my daughter, arrived a month earlier than anticipated, 2.5 years ago. My aspiration was a natural, at-home birth with my midwife, complete with a birthing tub. However, when my water broke five weeks prior to her due date, everything unfolded in stark contrast. I underwent a c-section delivery (she was breeched) in the hospital. While this wasn’t the birth scenario I had envisioned, I recognized the importance of remaining open to the unpredictability of life. This was Loki’s journey into the world, and I am immensely thankful for the way it unfolded.



Breastfeeding was a top priority for me, and I made sure the nursing team and my family were aware of my intentions. Immediately after birth, I started pumping, a concept that was entirely new to me. Since I couldn’t nurse her right away, this marked the beginning of our breastfeeding journey. My midwife’s words lingered in my mind: “Don’t be disheartened if she struggles to breastfeed due to her early arrival. She might not have the coordination for it. Be prepared for anything.” Despite my initial upset, I was fortunate to have my incredibly supportive mother-in-law, a passionate advocate of breastfeeding and a member of the La Leche League, by my side. “Don’t listen to her,” she reassured me. “You can do this. Breastfeeding is natural, and she’ll figure it out.”

Loki eventually nursed a few days after birth and latched successfully on the first attempt. It was an emotional moment that connected us in an instant, filling me with overwhelming emotions. I spent 10-12 hours each day in the NICU, nursing my baby girl, and successfully established a breastfeeding routine. With the right support and patience, we managed to ensure she was fully breastfed by the time we left the hospital. Our breastfeeding journey has been an incredibly beautiful experience that I cherish. I genuinely don’t want it to end; our bonding moments are mostly at night before bedtime or before naps. Occasionally, she joins Olly during his nursing time, playfully referring to it as “boobie share.” This is when I engage in tandem nursing, and here is where our story takes a new turn with my son, who was born three months early earlier this year.


At 6 months pregnant, just a week before Christmas, I unexpectedly went into preterm labor. Initially, I didn’t realize what was happening. By Friday morning, the discomfort escalated, and I called my midwife again. She suggested I go to the hospital’s midwife unit to determine the cause. To my surprise, I was already 2cm dilated and in labor. I was in shock—how was this happening? What caused it? Is my baby alright? Two days later, Olly, my son, was born, marking a significant moment during a full moon and the eve of winter equinox. I had a natural birth this time, and although Olly was whisked away to the special care unit due to his early arrival, I found myself overwhelmed by a mix of emotions.


As we navigate this remarkable journey of tandem breastfeeding, I’ve learned to embrace the uniqueness of each child’s development and needs. Olly, my son, while born prematurely, is thriving and growing. While our journey might have its challenges, the connection and bond I share with both Olly and Loki during these nursing sessions are beyond words. My journey as a tandem breastfeeding mother is a testament to the unbreakable bond between a mother and her children, and I feel incredibly fortunate to experience this incredible journey.

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Be Tien