Beyond Miraculous: Twins Born in Different Days, Years, and Decades Leave Everyone in Awe

When Dawn Gilliam visits the NICU at Ascension St. Vincent in Carmel, she still finds it hard to believe what she sees: two babies, her babies.

Gilliam and her partner of seven years, Jason Tello, welcomed their first baby, Joslyn, at 11:37 p.m. on December 31, 2019. Exactly 30 minutes later, at 12:07 a.m. on January 1, 2020, Jaxon was born.

“We’re still kind of overwhelmed,” Tello said on Friday, sitting in a waiting room at Ascension. “We’re kind of speechless still.”

Two babies, born on different days, in different years, and different decades.

The journey to New Year’s Eve wasn’t easy for Gilliam and Tello. Gilliam had a scare with high blood pressure, and she thought she might need to deliver as early as Thanksgiving.

On New Year’s Eve, she made an unplanned trip to the hospital due to a lack of fetal movement.

“They were like, ‘you might have to deliver today,'” Gilliam remembers.

And indeed, she did deliver that day and the next. Joslyn and Jaxon were not expected to arrive until February 19, making them nearly two months early to the party. Jaxon was born breech. The siblings are currently in the NICU but are doing well.

The couple hasn’t thought much about the upcoming birthday celebrations (they’ve had enough on their minds), but Gilliam envisions future New Year’s Eves as small celebrations with family.

As for what’s next, Gilliam hopes she can go home on Saturday, fingers crossed. She will continue as a stay-at-home mom in Pendleton, where the couple lives, raising their 10-year-old, 5-year-old, and now the twins.

Tello, who left his job a couple of months ago, is working on growing his own business that builds structures for the entertainment industry.

A new year, new twins, and a new job. Tello doesn’t think it has fully sunk in yet.

“It’s been a ride, that’s for sure,” he said. “It’s been a good ride.”

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