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Pole dancing has long been a subject of debate and controversy, with many questioning its classification as a form of dance. However, one individual, 28-year-old Jade, challenged societal norms and continued her passion for pole dancing even during her pregnancy.

Jade’s story begins with her dedication to fitness and pole dancing. At one point, her obsession with staying fit and pursuing pole dancing led to an irregular menstrual cycle due to low body fat. Her gynecologist believed she was infertile, and her only hope of conceiving was through in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, it turned out that Jade was not infertile after all. She took a break from intense workouts, adjusted her diet and routine, gained some weight, and to her surprise, she and her 34-year-old partner Nathan were expecting their first child.

The question arose: what about her beloved pole dancing? Did she quit? Upon learning of her pregnancy, Jade temporarily paused her training, just to be safe. But once she received the green light from her doctors, she resumed dancing, albeit with caution. She reduced her training to one session per week and practiced other forms of dance alongside pole dancing, always taking care not to put excessive strain on her body or belly.

“I was fortunate enough to experience a pregnancy without morning sickness or fatigue, and I believe it was due to my training. I continued to perform until I reached 17 weeks of pregnancy, ensuring I didn’t harm the baby. If I danced on poles or engaged in floor routines, I took extra care to protect my abdomen. If I ever felt uncomfortable, I immediately stopped,” shares Jade.

Doctors reassured Jade that she was in excellent shape and had a healthy pregnancy, so there was no reason for her to quit dancing. On the contrary, abruptly discontinuing her training could have had adverse effects on her health.

The road to recovery and resuming pole dancing after childbirth was not easy for Jade. She had always been passionate about dance, starting from the age of 16 when she danced professionally and even toured with the circus. Training six hours a day, she pushed her body to the limit. Eventually, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Maddox, weighing an impressive 3900 grams.

Now, Jade is gradually regaining her pre-pregnancy shape. Despite gaining a few kilograms during pregnancy, her athleticism and dedication to fitness have made a noticeable impact. Her stomach tightened within a week after giving birth, and she even managed to avoid any visible stretch marks.

Medical professionals emphasize the benefits of physical activity and exercise, even during pregnancy, as long as certain precautions are taken. If exercise was a regular part of a woman’s life before pregnancy, modifying activities and reducing intensity during the first and third trimesters is generally recommended. Exercises targeting the rectus abdominis muscles or heavy lifting should be avoided throughout the entire pregnancy.

Jade’s story serves as an inspiration for expectant mothers who wish to continue pursuing their passions and staying active during pregnancy. It demonstrates the importance of listening to one’s body, seeking medical guidance, and making informed decisions about physical activity. With dedication, caution, and the support of healthcare professionals, women can embrace their love for dance, fitness, and other activities throughout the remarkable journey of pregnancy.

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Be Tien