As unlucky as a python, a piece of food was stolen from its mouth by a hyena

Nature is inherently wild and incredibly beautiful, but it is not lacking in hidden cruelty. The important thing is to let everything resolve itself naturally, as it was meant to be.

Mike Sutherland, 34, the founder of Escape Safari Co conservation area, with over 12 years of experience in every nook and cranny in Africa, seemed to have seen it all. However, on a trip to the Mombo Camp area of Okavango Delta in Botswana, he came across a scene that left him stunned.

To add some spice to his life, Mike chose to go during the breeding season of animals such as warthogs, impalas, and kudu.

During their morning excursion, the tour group saw countless impalas running and frolicking on the path. Seeing so many lively newborns made everyone feel happy and positive.

However, the tour group was not the only ones looking for the impala herd in this area. From a distance, a notorious predator, a hyena, was slowly approaching. At the same time, a royal python was slithering from a large Bushwillow tree, laden with fruit.

A small impala was playing around and curiously came to the very same tree where the python was hiding under the leaves. In a blink of an eye, the poor creature was caught by the snake.

The pitiful cries of the small impala attracted the tour group, who quickly rushed over to see what was happening, as did the hyena.

At first, the python was coiled around the small impala’s entire body, squeezing tightly. The overwhelming strength of the snake quickly drained the impala’s life force.

Witnessing this scene, the hyena began to rush in to find an opportunity. Initially, it tried to pull the snake off the impala with brute force, but to no avail. It then switched to the “cat and mouse” game. The hyena patiently waited, biting the snake repeatedly, but to no avail. Eventually, it decided to lift both the snake and the impala about 10 to 15 meters before releasing them onto the ground.

Being harassed so violently, the snake had no choice but to give up. It hissed with a vengeful screech and then slithered away angrily, leaving its prey behind. The victor, the hyena then took only a few minutes to enjoy its prey in front of the helpless mother gazelle watching.

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