A Toddler’s Heroic Act: 2-Year-Old Demonstrates Perfect CPR Technique in Heartwarming Viral Video

saige doing cpr

The significance of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) in saving lives cannot be overstated. While many acknowledge its importance, learning this life-saving technique often takes a back seat due to various reasons. However, California CPR instructor Chris Pietroforte has found an unconventional way to promote CPR education by enlisting the help of an unlikely assistant: his 2-year-old daughter, Saige.

Drawing from his 19-year experience as a firefighter and EMT, Chris now owns and operates Central Valley CPR in Tulare, California. Saige’s involvement in demonstrating the proper CPR technique has proven to be a powerful tool in educating his clients.

Chris emphasizes, “I tell people all the time, if a 2-year-old can learn, why can’t you? So there’s no excuse for that.”

Saige, having attended numerous CPR instructional classes led by her father, effortlessly showcases how to use a defibrillator and execute the necessary maneuvers. Her demonstration not only captures attention but also underscores the simplicity and accessibility of learning CPR.

saige cpr

“She actually goes to all my classes when I teach, and she demonstrates how to do it… So she’s in there, and I tell people that if they can’t outdo her, they won’t pass, and that’s actually happened a couple times,” Chris reveals.

In a brief demonstration video shared on Chris’s Facebook page, viewers get an up-close look at Saige’s impressive skills. With the precision of a seasoned practitioner, Saige follows the automatic defibrillator’s instructions meticulously. Calling out “Clear!” in her tiny voice, she proceeds to administer an electronic shock to the dummy’s heart, accompanied by chest compressions and rescue breaths.

saige cpr

saige cpr

Chris employs Saige’s demonstration to drive home the point that learning CPR is achievable and straightforward. He emphasizes that while adults often use the rhythm of “Stayin’ Alive” to maintain the recommended 100-120 beats per minute chest compression pace, any song with a similar beat can be applied for younger learners. In fact, he humorously suggests the viral hit “Baby Shark” as an ideal option for teaching children.

saige cpr

“My goal is to get as many people out there trained… And the more people trained, the better it is out there for society,” Chris declares.

Saige’s involvement serves as an inspiring example for both parents and children who might dismiss the need to learn CPR. This heartwarming video underlines the unexpected ways through which education can make a lasting impact, ultimately contributing to a safer and more prepared community. Kudos to Chris and Saige for their incredible efforts!

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