A Tale of Unbreakable Bonds: Claire and Lola’s Inspiring Journey of Love and Strength

Lola and Claire Hartley (left to right), 9 and 14, weight three stone between them and are five foot tall due to a rare neurological condition associated with dwarfism. They are pictured with mother Gwen, 40

In an awe-inspiring story of love, resilience, and family devotion, two remarkable young girls, Claire and Lola Hartley, have defied the odds and captured the hearts of their community. Born with dwarfism and a rare neurological condition, their lives have been filled with challenges, but their spirits remain unbreakable.

Claire and Lola, aged 14 and 9 respectively, together weigh just three stone (42 lbs) and stand at a petite 5ft tall when combined. Their mother, Gwen, lovingly carries them in her arms as they navigate life’sobstacles together.

Claire and Lola have microcephaly, a rare neurological condition which causes small heads, abnormal brain development

These young sisters face severe disabilities, including visual impairment, an inability to walk or talk, and regular seizures. Despite these hurdles, they share a special sisterly bond and find joy in everyday activities such as listening to rap music and watching wedding programs.

Both girls were born with dwarfism and a rare neurological condition known as microcephaly, which affects the size and development of the head and brain. Their journey began with Claire’s birth, during which doctors expressed doubts about her survival beyond her first year.

The girls cannot walk, talk and are visually impaired
They also have seizures, but their mother says they are not painful and do not restrict their breathing

Determined to cherish every moment with their daughter, Gwen and her husband, Scott, decided to forgo drugs and provide Claire with a healthy diet. Against all odds, Claire not only survived but thrived. Her parents refused to give up hope.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding Claire’s condition, Gwen and Scott embraced each day as a precious gift. Claire’s recovery from early challenges was nothing short of miraculous, defying the initial prognosis.

When Claire turned four, Gwen discovered she was pregnant again, this time with Lola. A prenatal test revealed that Lola, too, had microcephaly. Though the option of termination was discussed, Gwen and Scott chose to welcome Lola into their lives with open hearts.

Despite the challenges of their disabilities, Mrs Hartley and her husband Scott, 40, say the girls have personalities of their own. Recently, their big brother Cal, 17, has involved them in basketball games by asking his team to fist-bump them as they run on to court

The girls’ disabilities mean they cannot walk, talk, or perform basic tasks on their own. They rely on their family for care and communication. While they experience daily seizures, their mother assures that these are not painful and do not hinder their breathing.

Doctors cannot predict whether Claire and Lola will ever learn to speak or move independently. However, Gwen recently observed a promising moment when Claire seemed to push away her glasses, offering a glimmer of hope.

Mrs Hartley says the girls communicate with their family through their eyes

Despite their physical challenges, Claire and Lola possess distinct personalities and enjoy music, including rap, R&B, and pop. They have become avid sports fans, thanks to their older brother Cal, who includes them in basketball games by having his teammates fist-bump them as they enter the court.

They also interact with them with special sensory toys in a darkened room

Gwen describes her daughters as “like celebrities” in their local community, where they have been embraced and celebrated. The community’s love and support have made Claire and Lola feel like cherished members of the family.

Mrs Hartley says her daughters are like other typical girls, enjoying listening to rap music and watching wedding programmes

In the face of adversity, Claire and Lola’s journey embodies the strength of familial love and the power of hope. Through their inspiring story, they remind us all of the beauty of unconditional love and the extraordinary resilience that exists within us, waiting to shine through even in the darkest moments.

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