A Second Chance at Life: A Mother’s Miraculous Journey of Survival and Recovery


Kayleigh Summers, a dedicated Licensed Social Worker (LSW) in Pennsylvania, has an extraordinary story to tell—one of resilience, survival, and the profound bond between a mother and her child. Her journey, which began with the birth of her 18-month-old son, Callahan, is a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

Kayleigh’s pregnancy had its share of challenges. With a couple of high-stress situations and being two days past her due date, she embarked on the path of motherhood, knowing that her baby was on the larger side. Little did she know that this journey would take an unforeseen turn.


After enduring two days of labor, Kayleigh reached full dilation at 10 centimeters. She was ready to bring her child into the world. However, in a sudden and terrifying twist of fate, her heart signaled that something was amiss. Panic set in as she was rushed to the operating room, with Callahan’s birth hanging in the balance.

In the midst of this medical emergency, Callahan was born while his mother’s life was in jeopardy. Kayleigh recalls those harrowing moments when she was unconscious, with life-saving CPR performed on her. Her heart had stopped not once, but twice during this ordeal.


Upon regaining consciousness, Kayleigh’s battle for survival had just begun. She was diagnosed with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), a rare condition characterized by severe bleeding. The situation was dire; she required a staggering 143 units of blood product (while the average human body holds 8-12 units). Her heart and lungs struggled to oxygenate her blood, necessitating the use of ECMO, a form of life support.ORGTOP NEWS

Kayleigh’s fight was far from over. In the following five days, she underwent four surgeries, with her body hanging in the balance. She spent five days on a ventilator and endured a two-week stay in intensive care. On the fifth day, as she gradually regained consciousness, her first moments were spent reuniting with her beloved son, Callahan. On the fourteenth day, she was released from the hospital, a survivor in every sense.

This incredible journey gifted Kayleigh a second chance at life, allowing her to witness the growth and maturation of her son. However, her return home was marked by the stark reality of her condition. Her body bore the scars of an experience she couldn’t recollect, and she grappled with the aftermath of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Recognizing the need for support and healing, Kayleigh wasted no time seeking therapy. With a therapist specializing in prenatal mental health, she embarked on a path of recovery. Therapy alone proved insufficient, and she made the courageous decision to explore medication as a complementary approach.

Kayleigh firmly believes that initiating therapy early and being open to medication played a crucial role in her journey out of the darkness. Writing about and sharing her experiences with others has also been a therapeutic outlet, helping her process her grief and trauma.

Kayleigh’s remarkable story stands as a testament to the strength of the human spirit, the power of medical intervention, and the enduring love between a mother and her child. Her journey inspires hope and resilience, reminding us all of the preciousness of life and the importance of seeking help when faced with adversity.

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