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Helianny, three, pictured during physical therapy, was born with a clubbed foot and problems from her brain, eyes and nose not forming properly in the womb

Helianny, from San Cristobal, Venezuela, was born with a range of problems including her brain, eyes and nose not forming properly in the womb.Her parents Soleannys Lugo, 34, and Henry

Buitrago, were advised to terminate her four months into the pregnancy as doctors believed her difficulties were ‘incompatible with life’

They thought she would die shortly after birth but now three-years-old, Helianny still battles on with the support of her loving family.

With unwavering determination, Lugo chose to embrace her daughter’s unique journey and committed herself to providing Helianny with the love and care she needed. Against all odds, this brave mother defied societal expectations and embarked on a remarkable path filled with hope and resilience.

The family have been targeted with cruel comments ranging from Helianny (pictured as a toddler) being called ‘ugly’ to her parent’s being told they should have aborted her

Helianny has undergone four surgeries so far, two to drain fluid from her brain, the third to correct her clubbed foot and another to reconnect her cleft lip.

The family are fundraising for future surgeries that will allow her the best quality of life and repair some of the craniofacial difficulties that complicate her basic functions

Soleannys said: ‘I dream of seeing Helianny walk, talk and be as independent as possible so that her only limitation is what she limits herself to.

‘Helianny came to this world on a great mission of life, to show us that we complain about so many insignificant things and forget to be happy.

‘She teaches us not to give up and to fight but without ceasing to be an angel.’

In a world that often focuses on perfection, Helianny’s journey challenges societal norms and redefines the meaning of strength and beauty. She reminds us that every life is precious and deserving of love, regardless of physical differences or challenges.

As Helianny continues to defy expectations and achieve milestones once deemed impossible, she serves as a symbol of hope for families facing similar challenges. Her story encourages others to look beyond limitations and celebrate the unique abilities and gifts of every individual.

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