A Miracle Homecoming: Preemie Twins Born at Just 24 Weeks Finally Leave Hospital After 150 Days

Two tiny fighters born at only 24 weeks are celebrating a triumphant return home today after spending a challenging 150 days in hospital.

Tiny Matthew Ifan and Elgan Sion Rees were each weighing just 1lb 3oz and 1lb 4oz and were given only a slim chance of survival by doctors.

Matthew Ifan and Elgan Sion Rees born at just 24 weeks weighing just 1lb 3oz and 1lb 4oz at birth

Mum Tracey Eifion and Mark Rees of the twins are celebrating bringing them home today

They were born more than four months early after doctors discovered complications forcing them to act.

Matthew Ifan and Elgan Sion Rees born at just 24 weeks weighing just 1lb 3oz and 1lb 4oz at birth

Mum Tracey Eifion and Mark Rees of the twins are celebrating bringing them home today

They have been moved to four different hospitals for life-saving operations — but mum Tracey Eifion, 38, has spent almost every day beside them.

Tracey said: “There were times when we didn’t know what the outcome would be, just going hour by hour, sometimes thinking it would be the last night.

“But we’ve got through and hopefully we’re through the last of it now. It’s all been a rollercoaster.

“It’s been a rollercoaster of a journey. We’re so excited to be able to bring them home.”

When the twins were born in October they were so ill that teacher Tracey and the tots’ dad, pub manager Mark Rees, 34, were told their babies might die.

Mark, who also has a 12-year-old son called Ethan with Tracey, said: “We were too scared to think the worst and all the staff were going along with this world.”

He added: “We can’t think the worst and all the staff are going along with this world.”

The babies may still require ongoing care and treatment but can now return to the family home in Llanelli, West


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