A Memorable and Unique Experience: Mother’s Choice of Underwater Home Birth

Welcoming her baby into the world after a few intense contractions, Audra Lynn from the United States embraced her newborn and exclaimed with joy, “Oh, my son.” According to BBC, Audra felt at ease choosing to give birth underwater in the comfort of her own home. In the midst of the painful but transformative “labor of love,” she remained remarkably calm, holding a mirror to observe her own underwater birthing process. Her supportive husband stood by her side, encouraging her throughout the experience.


Midwife Lisa Marie Sanchez Oxenham was present to document Audra Lynn’s water birth. This was Audra’s second home birth, and Lisa was there to provide assistance whenever needed.

The video capturing Audra’s water birth was shared on social media and quickly garneredaound 16 million views, along with numerous congratulations and well-wishes. Lisa Marie stated that the moment the baby emerged underwater and Audra exclaimed, “Oh, my son,” was a sacred moment that moved many viewers to tears.

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