A Joyous Moment: Welcoming Our Newborn into the Family!

If you’re considering hiring a birth photographer, you may be concerned about the privacy of your most intimate and vulnerable moments becoming public. As a professional birth photographer, I want to assure you that I never share a single photo without consent.

My priority is to make my clients feel completely comfortable inviting me into their birth space and trusting that the images I capture during their birth story will never be shared without permission. Consequently, my website and social media galleries may not always represent my recent or best work since many of my favorite photos remain private at the request of my clients. Some clients value total privacy and prefer not to have any birth photos shared, making it impossible for anyone outside their close circle to know I was there.

Every photo you see on my platforms is shared with the blessing of my clients. I am a strong advocate of enthusiastic consent, and I never want anyone to feel pressured into sharing photos they aren’t completely comfortable with. My contract includes a model release that allows clients to specify the level of nudity or coverage and which media platforms they are comfortable with. However, this serves as a general guideline, and the final say always belongs to my clients.

Since the model release is reviewed before taking any photos, I believe it is essential that the images are seen before making a final decision. Birth experiences can have a profound impact on how comfortable individuals feel about the level of privacy they want for their photos. Even if a client has given consent for their photos to be shared, I always seek their final permission regarding specific photos or the entire gallery before posting anything on social media, my website, or elsewhere.

Sharing photos that showcase the diverse ways birth can happen and what it truly looks like is incredibly important. It empowers people to make informed choices about their own birth experiences. Real, powerful, and incredible birth imagery can be significantly different from what we typically see in movies and TV shows, and it is crucial to offer people a more realistic perspective.

I deeply appreciate clients who are eager to share their birth photos to help others understand their options and feel empowered in their birthing journey. It’s amazing to witness individuals proud of their own strength and wanting to showcase it to the world, even if they may not have felt strong in the moment.

However, I also understand that there are equally valid and personal reasons not to share birth photos. Not everyone feels comfortable or compelled to share their experiences, and that’s entirely okay. While I believe in the value of accessible birth imagery for those planning their own births, it is crucial to respect each individual’s choices and boundaries.

In the end, while I do enjoy sharing my art and believe it helps prospective clients decide whether to hire me as their birth photographer, I recognize that the birth story isn’t mine to tell. It’s your birth, your body, and your story. Whether you’re enthusiastic about sharing your birth photos or prefer to keep them private, I am grateful for the trust you place in me to document your special moments. Your decision will always be respected and honored.

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Be Hieu